C25K - - Starting September 6

sciarra52 Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I'd like to start the C25K program on Sept 6 and would love to have some support. I know it's a Holiday but you gotta start somewhere right?

Here's the link to the schedule I will be using: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

I also found these podcasts thanks to some other MFP users: http://www.ullreys.com/robert/Podcasts/page4/files/category-7.html

Thanks for your support and Good Luck!

Week 1: Sept 6-12
Week 2: Sept 13-19
Week 3: Sept 20-26
Week 4: Sept 27-Oct 3
Week 5: Oct 4-10
Week 6: Oct 11-17
Week 7: Oct 18-24
Week 8: Oct 25-31
Week 9: Nov 1-7


  • tgaspard
    tgaspard Posts: 22
    I just started my 2nd round of c25k this week and have a bunch of folks on FB doing it with me. Feel free to join us!!

  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I just downloaded a C25k app on to my iPod Touch today! Thanks for these links, I am going to have to check them out! Maybe we could help motivate each other!
  • I am almost done with week 4. I highly suggest going to www.runningintoshape.com. They have really really good podcasts that keep you motivated. :-)
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I've done the coolrunning C25K program in the past. Unfortunately, I did not keep up with my running and I can no longer do a 5K. i think I will start the program over again and join you!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Tomorrow will be day 2 of week 6 for me. Hard to believe it! It's crazy thinking back and how painful running even 1 minute was. My advice to make sure you have a good playlist for when you are running. Nothing like a good beat to keep you going!

    Are you starting on a treadmill or outside? I recommend running outside as it is less boring although can be tricky depending on the terrain.
  • I started C25K and I'm on week 3! It's tough, but definitely doable.
  • tracilsto
    tracilsto Posts: 3 Member
    I'm part of tgaspard's facebook group and just started day 1 of week 1...am psyched!

    Here's the free podcast I'm using.. Love it thus far..

  • How has everyone done starting week 1?
  • Im just finished week 1! Legs are tired today, but have really enjoyed it and so has my dog! Roll on week 2!
  • I'd like to join you!
  • How is everyone doing? Im on to Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow and really enjoying it. Looks like week 3 is quite a step up tho! Looking forward to seeing how I manage it.
  • I am actually doing week 4 over. I have been slacking that pass 2 weeks due to school starting back up. But today I am doing week 4 day 1 :)
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I had Lasik eye surgery this on the 9th and I can't do any physicaly activity for a weeek! That's going to put me behind.
  • I started week 2 yesterday and it was a a bit of a struggle. I'm glad it's my rest day! =D
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'm a little late, but I'd like to join! I started the C25K last night.
  • Well, After beign gone and too busy really to even work out last week, and recovering from a bum shoulder this week I'm still on week 1! I'm back on the C25K plan though. Now, only if it would stop raining so I can get out and run in the beautiful weather.
  • Week 3 Day 1 done! Was getting tired towards the end of the second 3 minute run but I managed it! :happy:
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    hi i have been doing the c25k program too and would like to join in. i did week 3 day 1 last night. i have been doing some running on an indoor track as well as an outdoor gravel track. outdoors is less boring but even small inclines through me off....
  • Have to repeat W3D2 tonight cos my dog knocked me over last time on my second 3 minute run and I couldnt finish it! was so close! stupid dog! no injuries from it though so back out tonight!
  • Hi all! I started C25K on September 4. I'm starting W2 now. I had to repeat W1 -- I needed more time before moving on. I'm signed up for a 5K on November 7.
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