Family: when they help and when they don't

Hello everyone!

So I have this situation going on at the moment. I live with my family at the moment, and although we get along most of the time, when it comes to diet, they are both divided AND causing problems.

One side of my family is stick thin (maybe too much, but I stopped trying to argue with them about that) - they are usually ok with me regulating my diet and exercising, but become extremely critical if I fall off the wagon just a little, and constantly point out ways I could improve :P

The other part of my family is kind of hypocritical - they're neither thin or fat, all are at 'ideal weight' without exercising, thanks to their naturally active life. They're the first to point out when I put on weight, and yet when I mention doing exercise (videos or running, or going to the gym), they ask me what it consists off (mainly me looking stupid pretending to punch and kick stuff, we all know what we look like doing exercise videos), they laugh at me.

I'm starting the Ripped in 30 program by Jillian Michaels, and I'm worried I'll end up giving up thanks to the whole 'I don't want to be ridiculous, I don't want to be told I'm stupid, I don't want to fight with them' mentality.

So my question is: how do other people deal with the family comments? Any tips on standing up for yourself and not giving up ?
Thanks !!!!


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You gotta just do it anyway, you're in this for YOU. They might crack jokes the first couple times but after a few days it will be old news and they'll get over it.

    That said, I do sort of understand the self consciousness of exercise videos in front of others. I would personally go run outside or go to the gym. Get a $9.99 big box gym membership- it will be a haven from your annoying family if nothing else.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    First, you have to want it badly. What it means is that you have to want your fitness above what other people around you think of it? I was the man who said no to my friends all chilling in front of the store drinking soda and red bull and instead went for some milk (not that I deny soda, that day I just wanted some more nutrition from my calories and due to lifting day, thought I needed more milk). Sure they thought it was weird and even made a crack or 2 but it was ok, because I didn't let myself think it was weird, they couldn't continue.

    If you give other people the power to dictate you, your diet and your plans, then they will use that power and potentially bring you down. Do your thing. They might make a comment here and there. But don't let it get to you and keep doing your thing.

    One mistake I see time and time again with "dieters" is that they constantly try and talk about it with their friends and family which, while it makes sense to seek support from them, is not always a good idea. Just do your thing and when they see you committed to yourself and realize it, the comments will stop and with results, the comments will turn into compliments. I promise. They're your friends and family and while they will make jokes, they really do love you and want you to succeed.
  • EtreMieux
    Thanks, that does help - I think I'm just going to ignore them, do my thing and they'll have to realize in the end it's good for me :)
    I can't go to the gym at the moment, as I live in the middle of bloody nowhere and the nearest gym is 20 km away and I can't drive. Hence the home videos. But maybe I can tell them that I need 40 mins a day in one of the rooms, by my self, no disturbed...
    Thanks for the support!