Don't call me "Big Mike"

m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
I've never understood why it's okay to call people "Big ____". I don't call you "Ugly Steve", or "Bad breath Jeff" do I? Why the double standard?


  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Sadly, I think that's just a guy thing. I've never been called Big Allie. Nor have I ever heard of a girl being called Big (fill in the blank). At least not to her face. You are so right though. It is far to accepted by society to treat overweight and obese people as second class humans and that is just not okay.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    I was just commenting on this yesterday. I often get compliments like "you're pretty for a bigger girl" or "I like the way you look, I've always liked girls with meat on their bones."

    Its frustrating, because maybe they mean well... but its not flattering. I don't feel better about myself.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    If I describe a man as big it means stocky and meaty, not fat or anything offensive!
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Whatever you say Big Mike
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    it's not ok, & your friends are too literal, which imo is also not ok. just smack them, most efficient form of communication with some (i kid).

    ok more seriously, being a 'big guy' still fits into ideas of what a 'real man' is like, they prob don't think it's offensive. but saying something about it will not be effective. they'll probably just call you a wuss. if you continue working towards your goal, they'll eventually shut up. and then, yrs from now, still say, 'hey, remember how big you were, mike? remember we used to call you big guy?" and then you can flex your lean biceps in their faces.
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    I don't mind "Big Jimmy"....

    .....ok ladies? ;-)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I had a funny situation come up from this recently. In college Big was normally tagged to my name, recently I met up with a friend who I haven't seen in 6 years. He got a desk job which caused him to gain around 70lbs or so, and he looked a lot bigger than me. So he was telling his wife all kinds of stories about me. About midway through dinner his wife who had a confused look in her face finally asked him, why he called me big. So we had to pull some photos from back in the day and show her. She didn't believe it was me which made the situation funnier.

    So, the best way to get the better of the situation is to own the name, and get physically fitter and smile every time someone says big Mike cause it will be a testament to your triumph.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Sadly, I think that's just a guy thing. I've never been called Big Allie. Nor have I ever heard of a girl being called Big (fill in the blank). At least not to her face. You are so right though. It is far to accepted by society to treat overweight and obese people as second class humans and that is just not okay.
    Oops, got my movie reference wrong. Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Are these people who know you intimately?
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I once had a guy trying to "hook up" with me and his comment was, "Hey don't worry, I've been with girls bigger than you, your alright" ...
    Yeap got I am sorry people call you that I hear stuff like that all the time too, even a kid I grew up with is deaf, and he is so crazy funny, but everyone calls himself deaf Mikey. He is ok with it now because he has accepted it, but if your trying to change something about yourself or are uncomfortable with yourself then obviously it is hurtful.. people should learn to listen then speak, or at least ask.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I think if someone calls you "Big Mike", you are 100% entitled to call them those things.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I wonder what Andre The Giant's feelings are on this topic? I'm pretty sure his mom didn't name him that.

    I always kind of figured that "big" and "little" were synonymous with junior and senior. Like, your son is also named Mike, therefore he would be little Mike and you would be big Mike so as not to confuse as to who is being addressed. My husband is little John even though he towers over his father, big John.
  • Some times Big is a term of endearment. Big does not have a negative connotation to it in most cases where as ugly and stinky breath would, also stinky breath is not as easy to tell from far away and ugly is very subjective.

    Eh we have a Big Justin and a little Justin in our family even though big weighs a whopping 108lbs because little is 6 years old.

    Some times it is used to tell you apart I was White Heather when I was in college simply because I was the only white Heather. I have a hard time getting upset when someone uses a term that is true about me, or I get upset at myself for being the big heather.

    If you don't like it then say something about it but I doubt they were trying to be mean.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I think big is not bad if it is meant older, taller or more muscular

    We have a Big Dan and a Big Dave in our family but only because one is older than the other (one is father son the other uncle nephew)- oddly enough both Little Dan and Little Dave are much bigger now than the Big Dan and Big Dave are

    We also have two Saras but one is not big Sara and Little Sara- rather- Sara, the original and Sara the sequel

    (we also have two debbies, three jennifers, two faiths and two cindys- but as the duplicates married in there are no titles are ranks associated)
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Point taken. It was a very whimsical and fun movie. It could have happened. :-)
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    I don't mind "Big Jimmy"....

    .....ok ladies? ;-)

    Noted BIg Jimmy. :)
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    yea Beta Mike makes more sense
  • JackieSmackie
    JackieSmackie Posts: 7 Member
    I was just commenting on this yesterday. I often get compliments like "you're pretty for a bigger girl" or "I like the way you look, I've always liked girls with meat on their bones."

    Its frustrating, because maybe they mean well... but its not flattering. I don't feel better about myself.

    I HATE this!! I could live with "nice and curvy" or something like that but it is certainly not a compliment to call a girl "bigger".

    Although it reminds me of a funny Amy Schumer (comedian) quote.
    "I know I have a body type because of the way guys hit on : 'You look sturdy, like you could take a punch.'"
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    Yeah I get what you mean, guys usually do that to each other. I know guys that are fit and they do that the guy that isn't fit in the group. I personally hate that because it just plain rude. I would never do that to a person reminding them what they are sensitive or don't feel good about. IF one do care about their health or reasons, they should say it in a serious manner and help out rather than giving comments like that. BTW, asian people do that to even strangers making comments to their face that their fat and stuff. Family are worst and compare that this is skinny and pretty like a model and etc.. So I can understand how it feels when they get comments like that, it's bad.
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    I was just commenting on this yesterday. I often get compliments like "you're pretty for a bigger girl" or "I like the way you look, I've always liked girls with meat on their bones."

    Its frustrating, because maybe they mean well... but its not flattering. I don't feel better about myself.

    I HATE this!! I could live with "nice and curvy" or something like that but it is certainly not a compliment to call a girl "bigger".

    Although it reminds me of a funny Amy Schumer (comedian) quote.
    "I know I have a body type because of the way guys hit on : 'You look sturdy, like you could take a punch.'"

    curvy pretty much means fat these days so it wouldn't matter