I guess this isnt alcaholica anonymous? ;-)

Geribee79 Posts: 11 Member
edited February 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All

My name is Geri and iv been an alch.........oops sorry wrong group!. Although seriously just a quick message to say Hi and get the support as i am trying to get on and stick to my mission of losing some weight.

I used to be very fit although always curvey (worked as a dancer for years did lots of sports) then met a boy (always the boys fault ;-)) and moved to Germany with my job (product manager for a certification company) and........well long hours at work and the amazing German food + the "ill start tomorrow" attitude all added up to my current state of "how much can i afford to spend on a new wardrob and can i borrow my partners clothes cause mine dont fit anymore".

Anyway from reading the forum you all sound like a friendly bunch and as a newbie im hoping to get all your support and not go through some of the painfull lessons some of you seem to have learnt.

I have my food diary and bits open for all to see and comment on although im a sensitive little flower so please be gentle with the truth and facts some times and understand that sometimes it takes a few attempts for the message to get home with me.

If i can in return help anyone it would be my pleasure.

Heres to being able to fit in my clothes again soon and meeting some great like minded people :-)



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