starting tomorrow

Hi everyone,
I'm Sarah. I keep putting on more and more weight. I've tried everything, as I'm sure many people here can relate to. I'm addicted to sugar and chocolate and really need some dietary structure. It's frustrating- I know how to eat well, I just don't!

Fingers crossed this will help.

Good luck everyone!


  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi, Sara! Good luck! Just one thing - don't start tomorrow, just start today :)
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Hi Sara! Are you working out? If so just think about not wasting your workout by eating chocolate. You cannot lose weight that way. I spend 2 hours in the gym 3 times a week and every time someone offers me candy or cake or pie (my family has been particularly evil lately and trying to get me to eat badly) I think about all the time I spent at the gym. I burn about 400-500 calories doing cardio during one gym session, and a piece of cake would ruin all my hard work. That's how I keep myself in check. I either workout AND eat right or I don't lose weight at all.
  • haha! yes, this is a good point! Why put off till tomorrow what we can do today?
    Thanks :-)
  • That's a good point too, working out. I've been getting up early to do yoga, but am itching to get on my bike again. Thanks for the advice!
  • Eloira
    Eloira Posts: 82 Member
    The first day is always the hardest! I restarted yesterday, and even tho I didn't stick to my original plan it was a start :)

    Just remember even if you're not eating as healthily as you'd like to in the first few weeks/months it's better than before :) (helps the negative thoughts trust me!)

    Best of luck!!! X
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Not trying to be controversial but I would want to address the chocolate comment. You see, I am a chocolate addict myself :) What I want to say is that I really like my chocolate. You cannot blame me, I live in Belgium, it's like the world capital of chocolate with a chocolatier at every corner. I never gave it up. But I am sticking to dark chocolate (70% or more cocoa). It is calorie dense, chocolate, so I work it into my caloric goals. But depriving myself of chocolate wouldn't work in my case. So good luck and have your chocolate, just be smart about it and don't overdo it!
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    Welcome aboard! I'm with the others, why tomorrow? Start today! :bigsmile:
  • I'm starting tomorrow too! If you need support or a friend to this with, message me! :D
  • I completely agree- if I tell myself I can't have something, it works to set me up for a binge. Best I learn moderation rather than cutting out completely.

  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    When I say things like I'll start tomorrow, what Im usually doing is still trying to convince myself I want to do this.. It was my same situation with quitting smoking. Just like when people start new trends or diets on Janruary 1st due to it being the resolution, start December 31st and let Janruary 2nd day! I also cannot start things on Monday, ya know the whole start the week new, and try a diet/workout routine/etc. I wish you luck, and success!!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Start today. Instead of giving up everything - why not shoot for moderation? I've been doing that for about 15 months and it's working. Eventually, you will adapt your diet to a healthy one, with a few treats thrown in. Learn to work on portion control.

    The best advice I received:

    Weigh/measure everything. If you don't have a food scale - buy one.

    Don't weigh all the time. Maybe once a week or two. Use a tape measure and take pictures every month.

    Be good to your body. Move more, find an exercise you like and stick with it.

    Eat well. Fuel your body and make your health priority number one.

    Best of luck!

    ETA: If you do have a day when you eat more than you should - LOOK AT YOUR WHOLE WEEK. Don't think of the end zone - there isn't one. This is a plan to make you healthy for LIFE!
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    It's not about 'exercise' and 'dieting', it's about valuing yourself and deciding that from now on, you matter!

    Since you're starting this today while your 'waiting':

    Women Food and God:
    An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything
    By Geneen Roth
  • Jennernichole
    Jennernichole Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Sarah! I understand where you are coming from! I am addicted to candy. My best advise is to eat it in moderation every few days. Otherwise, if you are like me, you will become almost obsessed with it and it will be all you can think about. Good luck and feel free to add me! ~jenner
  • dnicolas03
    dnicolas03 Posts: 8 Member
    Great advice Beachlover317!!
  • :

    Women Food and God:
    An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything
    By Geneen Roth

    I read that book a couple of years ago- it's on my shelf. Thanks for the reminder :-)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    why tomorrow? how about today???
  • 363Pump
    363Pump Posts: 1
    I've been "starting tomorrow" for almost 2 years... It's time to get off my butt and make a real change!
  • hey everyone! So, thanks for your comments :smile: I'm loving MFP! I'm 7kg lighter than when I started this thread AND 10cm less wide!
    How's everyone else going?
