Getting fit for a specific goal?

Hi everyone, I am losing weight and toning up for a variety of reasons (ultimately because I have always wanted to feel fit and healthy) but I have a list of specific goals and wondered what goals other people had? Here are mine;

1. Applying to join the military
2. Starting my first nursing job
3. My sister's wedding next year
4. My 30th birthday next April!

I am 5 ft 9 and currently weigh just under 14 stone (190 pounds)- at my heaviest; 14 1/2 stone. My dream goal would be to weigh around 10 stone - but more importantly, to be exercising regularly and feel toned and healthy. Also, I am breaking it down into smaller goals of 1 stone targets so currently I am working towards 13 stone.

I would love to speak to others with similar goals and motivate/ inspire/ spur each other on! Feel free to send me a message and add me as a friend.

Good luck and thanks for reading!



  • melanieconvey
    melanieconvey Posts: 8 Member
    No one got any specific goals? :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    My goal was to set a fitness related personal best - not a "season's best", not a best for my fifties, a proper PB (lifetime best).

    At my advanced age (!!!) I'm unlikely to set new strength records due to various injuries, highly unlikely to set a new speed related PB so I chose an endurance based goal - to cycle 100 miles in a day.

    What a buzz when I did it in June - now the goal is to do it faster... :smile:
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    Started losing weight due to getting married, two weeks to go...
  • Roxiemini

    I have some specific goals for my weight loss. I'm currently 62kg (136 pounds) and I'm 163cm (5ft 3) tall.

    1-I'm getting married in 2015, and want to be as fit and fab as I can for the day!
    2-I'd love to be as close to my pre-baby weight (50kg/110 pounds) as possible, so I've set myself the goal of 52kg (114 pounds)
    3-I think I will feel a lot better in of myself by doing more for my health! I have a 3 year old daughter, and I've kind of neglected looking after myself as well as I could have since having her, so it's time for me to get back in shape and look after myself better!
    4-My fiance still finds me very attractive, I haven't gained heaps of weight or anything, but I would love to feel more confident around him, I'm at the heaviest I've ever been at the moment.
    5-I'm only 21, I want to be as healthy as I can be, and not wake up one day later down the track and regret not even trying to better my health!

    I'm doing clean eating and zumba 6 times a week (horray for creche at the gym!) to help me achieve this :)
  • CarolinaTK50
    To just be a more healthier me is my primary goal. But also...
    - so I can live a long time for my Grandson
    -keep my Asthma in check
    -beat heart disease before it starts. I'm blessed to be healthy
    -i want to begin dating again after a long hiatus :)
  • melanieconvey
    melanieconvey Posts: 8 Member
    My goal was to set a fitness related personal best - not a "season's best", not a best for my fifties, a proper PB (lifetime best).

    At my advanced age (!!!) I'm unlikely to set new strength records due to various injuries, highly unlikely to set a new speed related PB so I chose an endurance based goal - to cycle 100 miles in a day.

    What a buzz when I did it in June - now the goal is to do it faster... :smile:

    That is a pretty awesome achievement!! How much faster do you think you can do it? ..And where did you do the original one?
  • melanieconvey
    melanieconvey Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, you sound well on your way to achieving your goal! Zumba 6x a week? That is pretty intense! Awesome :)
  • melanieconvey
    melanieconvey Posts: 8 Member

    I have some specific goals for my weight loss. I'm currently 62kg (136 pounds) and I'm 163cm (5ft 3) tall.

    1-I'm getting married in 2015, and want to be as fit and fab as I can for the day!
    2-I'd love to be as close to my pre-baby weight (50kg/110 pounds) as possible, so I've set myself the goal of 52kg (114 pounds)
    3-I think I will feel a lot better in of myself by doing more for my health! I have a 3 year old daughter, and I've kind of neglected looking after myself as well as I could have since having her, so it's time for me to get back in shape and look after myself better!
    4-My fiance still finds me very attractive, I haven't gained heaps of weight or anything, but I would love to feel more confident around him, I'm at the heaviest I've ever been at the moment.
    5-I'm only 21, I want to be as healthy as I can be, and not wake up one day later down the track and regret not even trying to better my health!

    I'm doing clean eating and zumba 6 times a week (horray for creche at the gym!) to help me achieve this :)

    Hey, you sound well on your way to achieving your goal! Zumba 6x a week? That is pretty intense! Awesome :)
  • melanieconvey
    melanieconvey Posts: 8 Member
    Started losing weight due to getting married, two weeks to go...

    How's it going so far?
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    Started losing weight due to getting married, two weeks to go...

    How's it going so far?

    I've lost just over 21lbs would like another 4 off, but with everything coming up it's going to be hard just maintaining where I am.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    Goals when I started:

    1. Lose enough weight to be able to buy clothes from Wal-mart.

    I got tired of being limited on clothing choices because the fat people shops don't carry much I liked. Now that I can buy clothes from regular shops (Wal-mart, Zellers, Piper's, etc.), I can find things I like and they cost a lot less.

    2. Lose enough weight for doctors to take my health problems seriously instead of giving me the blanket "lose weight" prescription.

    Still working on this. I understand that being as fat as I am/was does affect my health, I'm sure that the blurry vision and what looks like the beginnings of glaucoma won't be miraculously cured when I hit 125#. I'm also hoping that getting down to a normal BMI will drop my BP enough so I'm not so limited on what I can afford sodium-wise to eat. My GP doesn't understand that my BP goes up because I'm in severe pain while it's taken (cuffs are too small for my flabby arms), and I have white coat hypertension.

    I don't have any body shape or body fat goals. I'm just going to look like a smaller version of how I've always looked - short, dumpy, big gut, and fat thighs.