My first 10k ... Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, I'm running my first ever 10k, actually ... my first ever race of any kind.

It happens every year, and it's kind of a big deal in my small little town. When you consider that this time last year, I weighed nearly 370 pounds ... well, I just never even considered the possibility. But as the pounds started to come off, and I began exercising like a mad man, it just seemed like a logical goal.

I've been trying to train the best I can, though not following any set program. I've done 10k on the treadmill a couple times, and on the road once. My goal is 80 minutes, and I think I can pull that off. Hopefully that's a reasonable goal for somebody who is not a runner and who is still quite a bit overweight.

I'm taking today off from working out, and I'm going to stay within my calorie goal. I'm planning on eating a light dinner tonight, and I'm going to eat a Kashi bar and a banana tomorrow, about an hour before the race.

My strategy is to alternate between power walking and running ever quarter mile. My Nike+ gps iphone app calls out the intervals so I know when to switch it up. I did 3 miles yesterday in 36 minutes using that technique, so I think I'm on target.

There's a bit of a snag though, the weather has turned sour, and it's currently pouring down rain. The forecast for tomorrow isn't any better. :frown: I'm definitely not looking forward to that aspect. But there's no turning back now.

So ... does anybody have any tips or advice they can offer to a first time runner?


  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    WOW Chris You go boy!! Good Luck and I am so excited for you! I would love it if you post another topic after your done with a picture of you crossing the finish line! That will be priceless. GOOD LUCK!
  • juday3
    juday3 Posts: 78 Member
    WOW!!! Congrats on your weight loss. Best of Luck to you tomorrow!!!
  • wendytobin
    go out there and enjoy every minute of it, have fun, the atmosphere will keep you going, you will thoroughly enjoy it,

    it sounds like you have a good plan for your run and your time i think is good for a person thats never done running before

    make sure you drink plenty of water today to keep hydrated, and drink some about a 1-2 hours before your run, make sure you get to the bathroom as well before you proceed to the start line, always a bad feeling at the start line if youve not been!!!! LOL

    one last thing ...... make sure you have a big smile :happy: on your face when you cross that finish line, with knowing you have succeeded at your goal.

    all the best for tomorrow

  • skinnyack
    remember how much of a bad *kitten* you are! Nothing like an ego boost to get your feet moving! Congrats on your weight loss thus far!
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Good luck Chris, got a lot of respect for what you have done with your training and what your about to do. Best of luck. The only tip I will say is go at your own pace that is comfortable. In your first rate it is easy to get carried away with the pace and keep up with the people who are faster and fitter than you. it will make for a long uncomfortable race for you.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    good luck!! i can get through 5k on a treadmill but outside i'm horrible!!

    i'd love to join ya someday in a 10k thatd be wild!! go you!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Wow! Talk about committed!! It's great that you're jumping in. I think too many people decide they'll wait until they're in "good shape" before trying something like this. Who cares if you're not in top shape or you can't run the fastest - that doesn't mean you can't do it at your own pace. I'm going to be signing up for my first race in October - it's a 5k/10k - I'm probably only going to do the 5k - you're more ambitious than I am! :laugh:

    Edited to add: P.S. - congrats on the weight loss so far! That's fantastic!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Wow Best of luck
  • emersoam
    That's awesome! I did my first road races this past summer as well (after running for 2 years now). You are going to be so amped after this race...the "high" will last you all day! For my first race, I made my goal simple: finish. That's the cool thing about your first WILL set a personal record (PR)!! You can keep increasing your personal goals...maybe you'll want to try to run a 5K without walking next time or something like that.

    Have fun! I have to tell you...IT'S ADDICTIVE. After doing a few 5Ks and 1 10K this summer, I'm doing my first duathalon next weekend!!!
  • cami78
    cami78 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm training for a 10k too that's in October and same as you it will be my first ever race. I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing I'm not sure I can run it all but I guess walking/crawling some parts will be fine as long as I reach the finish line.
    Best of luck!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I'm training for a 10k too that's in October and same as you it will be my first ever race. I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing I'm not sure I can run it all but I guess walking/crawling some parts will be fine as long as I reach the finish line.
    Best of luck!
    GOOD LUCK To You Too!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Wow, good luck!!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would suggest to eat more than normal, try eating maintenance calories for today to make sure you have sufficient enegy. I find if I eat more one day I have energy the next. Also try eating a higher carb diet today (complex carbohydrates) as this is the most efficient source of fuel. It is also important today to make sure you drink plenty of water. Good luck and most importantly, have fun.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Congrats!!! I'm running my first 10K next month, but I've run a few 5Ks this year.

    Just go out, relax and try to pace yourself as best you can!
  • Mangoose
    Best of luck to you! t'll be great, you'll feel so good when you're finished!

    My only tips are to make sure you stretch properly! Take your time to make sure you're nice and limber, maybe jog for a 3 minutes at 75% intensity to get your heart going! When you're running, concentrate on your breathing and ignore everyone else (Just don't run into them!)

    12 minute miles is a very good pace, you should be very proud of yourself if you maintain that speed all the way through!

    Finally, if it is a warm day, then make sure to drink plenty of water. If they hand out cups, then great, otherwise take a small bottle that you are comfortable holding as you run.

    Most of all, enjoy! Let us know how you get on!

  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks for all the comments and advice!

    I think I'll replace my usual lunch today with something higher in complex carbs. I'm also drinking lots of water.


    And it looks like the weather has cleared a bit too, so that has me feeling a bit more optimistic!
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I am so excited for you! Look at how far you have come in such a short period of time! You are a true inspiration, I mean that. I always say that I won't run if something's chasing me but I find myself jogging for very short intervals on my walks now. I can't imagine a 10K. You're amazing! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, sending you all the positive energy I know how to send!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Good luck Chris :drinker: x
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Running on the road is tougher than on the treadmill, but you will be very motivated running with other people. Stick to your pace and you will finish the race without any problem.
    Let's hope that the weather will not be a factor and good luck.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Wishing you luck today! You'll do great!