Disney world and diets



  • mrincredible93
    My family went to WDW last year in August. My wife and I had only been on MFP for a couple months and were at the beginning of our weight loss journey. Honestly, I did not log my food during the vacation. I know I ate more calories than usual but my energy use was also much higher. I just made a really focused effort at not eating crap. I declined fries when I could or simply threw them out if I couldn't. I picked grilled chicken options over most other choices. There is a restaurant right on the edge of Fantasyland (Can't recall the name) that serves grilled salmon on a quick serve basis. That was yummy and a great choice. Both my wife and I ended up losing weight during the week. Just stay focused on good food choices and I don't think you will have to log every moment of the day.
    One thing that most people also don't realize is that calorie burns are higher in extreme temperatures. If you have typical Florida August heat and humidity, your caloric burns will be greater even doing just simple activities. I found the journal article once that laid out the formula for increased calorie burn per degree of ambient temperature over 65 F, but I couldn't tell you the exact calculation. It's out there on the internet somewhere if you want to find it.
  • mrsmimmy
    mrsmimmy Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so excited for you! I absolutely love Disney World. Anyway, just pack healthy snacks with you, as you are allowed to bring them into the park. Keep yourself hydrated (not just for your diet's sake, but for your own safety. I've seen people pass out on numerous occasions from dehydration.) With really extravagant treats, try splitting them with a family member (although I don't think I could bear to split my Dole Whip!) You can also prepare yourself a bit by looking at the menus of places you plan on dining and noting healthy menu options. Most of the buffets I have been to have an assortment of fresh fruits & veg. http://allears.net/menu/menus.htm is a great resource for dining menus.

    Hope this helps! Enjoy your trip!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was there in April and didn't put on a pound, I had whatever I wanted for breakfast pretty much, then the rest was healthy options. I also had pizza (the ones you can order to the room, it was nasty and I don't recommend it but I was starving and it was hubbie's idea), a French pastry (totally worth it), a German hotdog (totally worth it), both from Epcot World Showcase, and a huge plate of pasta and meatballs for dinner at the restaurant hotel. Hubby ate whatever and put on 3 lbs.

    My advice is if you're going to have a treat, make sure it's a good one, and not those nasty french fries the restaurants have or whatever... that's not worth it. I didn't bother logging, as I had no idea how many calories were in everything anyway (and I had quest protein bars with me for snacks). But yes, we talked a whole lot, so it definitely helped (bring GOOD shoes. I was in sandals and it was torture, plus they got ruined).

    ETA: those turkey legs everyone raves about are 1000 calories. I'd pass, lol.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    With the dining plan you are on it is good--not too much (the full dining plan people tell me is way too much). Bring in healthy snacks if you can, drink lots of water (they have water fountains), and walk a lot! There are some healthy choices, but I still find them few and far between.
    In any case even if you indulge, it is only a short time and you will get back on track. Have a blast and hope for no hurricanes!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    We went in June to Disney....it was AWESOME!!!

    As far as activity - pedometers are wonderful things.

    With the dining, I pretty much said, "screw it" and didn't log anything, BUT I did half-way pay attention to what I was eating - trying to eat grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, having the kids meal portion or splitting a dinner plate with my husband, that sort of thing.
  • youknowmynamelookupthenumber
    We used to have season passes to Disney when we lived in Tampa. My suggestion is that you bring your own snack with you to Disney. They allow you to bring a backpack in with water (which I recommend because their water tastes funny) and you can pack fruit or nuts or any other healthy snack. That way, between meals, you aren't tempted to buy something highly caloric like a pretzel or other junk. You can still have delicious food during meals! Just be mindful of what you eat and track your walking! Have SO much fun! Disney is great!

    P.S. They don't allow glass containers so make sure all of your stuff is in plastic or non-glass containers.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Don't forget, most of the food at Disney is mediocre-to-terrible. There are come exceptions at Epcot and at some of the real restaurants (Jiko at Animal Kingdom Lodge is *amazing*) but passing on nasty hot dogs and burgers should be pretty easy, even when the alternative is iceberg lettuce topped with rubbery chicken.

    (Went to one of those "lunch with the princesses" meals with my neice - good lord, was that incredibly overpriced, terrible food.)
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    We are heading to Disney World (16 days, woot!!!) and im wondering how I should go about counting my calories and my calories burned while there. I know from last time we went I will walk about 8 miles per day, but at the same time there are food I will be eating that I dont normally eat (creme brule mmmm)

    Part of me just wants to say screw it and enjoy myself and it will all work out in the end. :/

    Creme Brulee? Yummy. I am a disney world fanatic as well. Going in October, can't wait.. Good Luck with the diet. I just don't overeat and you already can exercise by walking alot of miles there. Plus drinks lots of water. May I ask which resort are you staying at? A few of them have fitness centers.
  • Fieldyvond
    Go on all the rides, scream your head off & wave your arms about = still keeping fit!
    I would not advise you do that off the rides though you might get funny looks..
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    We are on the dining plan, and we will be eating at a lot of buffets (need to see mickey!) so I am assuming I will be able to make semi good choices. In the long run I dont think going over for a few days with the added walking wll kill my progress.

    Did you get the free dining promo? That is an awesome thing.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Don't forget, most of the food at Disney is mediocre-to-terrible. There are come exceptions at Epcot and at some of the real restaurants (Jiko at Animal Kingdom Lodge is *amazing*) but passing on nasty hot dogs and burgers should be pretty easy, even when the alternative is iceberg lettuce topped with rubbery chicken.

    (Went to one of those "lunch with the princesses" meals with my neice - good lord, was that incredibly overpriced, terrible food.)

    Totally this. But the hot dogs at Epcot (the Germany Showcase) are delicious, lol.
  • laurahamm96
    laurahamm96 Posts: 46 Member
    We are staying at all star music, no fitness room from what I understand. Total got free dining. :D
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    you will be on holiday, enjoy yourself.

    I had a great time at Disneyworld last year - the only disappointment was the choices of food at our accommodation. Why can't Disney employ a chef from the cruise ships - their food is always excellent.
  • aakers01
    I am heading to Disney in November on Free Dining and just hoping the walking balances out the food :). I'll still skip soda though - I'm afraid if I start drinking it again I wouldn't quit when I got home, but we have reservations at some great restaurants so I am going to indulge.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    We are heading to Disney World (16 days, woot!!!) and im wondering how I should go about counting my calories and my calories burned while there. I know from last time we went I will walk about 8 miles per day, but at the same time there are food I will be eating that I dont normally eat (creme brule mmmm)

    Part of me just wants to say screw it and enjoy myself and it will all work out in the end. :/
    Personally I think that many people over estimate how much walking they do at Disney World. I tracked it on my Bodybugg when I was using it and it didn't indicate more than an extra 500 calories total per day of extra walking. An average snack at Disney World is that much.
    How did I not gain a bunch of extra weight? I was up at 6:00 every morning hitting the hotel gym for 45 min. Why? Because even on vacation, exercise is in my lifestyle.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • angelwings0110
    angelwings0110 Posts: 45 Member
    I am know this is an old thread, but I went to Disney this past Saturday. I ate the kids meal which came with grapes and carrots. We stayed with my mother-in-law who does not know how to cook in small quanities.. And her food is awesome. So I ate a lot. But with all the walking at Disney, I was able to only gain 1 lb which I lost after getting back home and back on routine. So it can be done if you pay attention to what you eat. :) Hope you had a great trip.
  • jencuts15
    jencuts15 Posts: 41 Member
    I went back and February and did not log at all. I was mindful of my food choices but did not deprive myself. For example, I still chose egg white omlets with lots of veggies, milk instead of cream, and lots of water. I had salads with chicken and nice dinners. I was absolutely over my calorie goal the entire week but I was ok with it. I didnt stuff myself just because I knew I didnt have to log it. If I was hungry, I ate!
  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with everyone! It is a vacation and you should enjoy yourself. You'll be walking more than normal etc but I'd recommend keeping a level head at the same time. It might be a vacation from a strict diet but if you go overboard with your trigger foods it might be hard to reel it all in when you get home. I look at sugar and 'junk' as an addiction and indulging for a couple of days brings me back to weeks of craving that crap again...
  • jaskthotmail
    We came back from Disney and I gained only 2 pounds and I ate a lot. We were there from open to close and walked the entire day. I still ran a few days in the morning too. I guess I didn't go crazy and eat all of the time but I didn't track anything and I only ate when I was hungry. I ate a medium sized breakfast, had a snacky lunch and went downtown Disney for a huge supper. I would guess I ate about 1,000 calories more than usual per day BUT we were walking briskly the entire day or standing in lines (standing is underrated-you really burn way more calories per day standing!) I say enjoy it as there are foods there you may not be able to indulge in at home. I got right back on track when I came home and within a week the lbs were off.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Just to add to the general discussion re: vacations, theme parks, etc in general ---- just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you have to take a vacation from your eating plan.
    I think that potentially sets up a poor psychology ... "oh my normal life eating plan is so restrictive and punishing, I need to take a vacation from how I eat and go on vacation where I'm 'allowed' to eat bigger quantities, more calorically-dense items etc etc" ...
    With all the walking (the effect of which can potentially be overstated, as another poster mentioned) what about making a goal to come back from vacay weighing *less* than when you left?

    Think of it how people view the holidays:
    Often people think weight gain over the holidays is "inevitable" ... family gatherings, office potlucks, etc. ... but you could also turn that whole paradigm on its head and resolve to hit NYE weighing less and being healthier than you were on Nov. 27th.