Looking for active people needing to lose 100+ lbs

I've got some friends on here but most don't get on very often and it's hard for me to relate to someone that only has 10 pounds to lose....Feel free to add me if you're in the same boat. I'm struggling a bit today with discouragement...I think I just need a pat on the back now and then :P


  • sitesh19
    sitesh19 Posts: 11
    I am new here and have over and around a 100lbs to lose. I come here on a daily basis even though I just joined last week. Although this seems very promising it has been very difficult to control my diet and some motivation every now an then is helpful. Even though I am struggling I have decided not to give up on this so I can say for sure that I am motivated but I still have a long way to go. Feel free to add me.
  • need2shrink
    need2shrink Posts: 31 Member
    I'm sending you a friend request..
  • rackies
    rackies Posts: 2 Member
    I am one of those people. I weighed 130 to 140 most of my life. even dropped to 120 in my 20s. but it didnt look good on me. Now... Im 50 yrs old and weigh 230. I know it all started when I became very stressed and my daughter was diagonised bi polar..She ultimatey took her own life while in the hospital. The one place i thought she would have been safe. If only I knew then what I know now. Well... my heart broke and besides fixing my head and my heart.. my body was not a priortiy. I was just trying to get up everday and take care of my youngest son and my daughter... I have four children. So, I had 3 teenagers and a toddler and going thru a divorce while my daughter was going thru the bipolar medication changes etc.

    She past in 2005. I feel like the wet wool blanket is off of my head and I am feeling better. Noticed there is colors in the sky and the fresh air. Then I stepped in the mirror... HOLY CRAP.. who is this?? I didnt realize I had mirrors that were only neck high. So... my brain has had to catch up with this mess I have my body in now.

    I was athletic growing up and always did something to stay in shape until my life was changed when Erika passed. Okay... now..I dont have 5 10 or even 20 lbs to go. I have a lot. My body looks so different acts different and I refuse to give in to aging and just let it be. I want to be healthy and live to be at least 107. But wont make it like this.

    My blood pressure is too high.. my cholesteral is in the 200s and I have other issues. Just not want I want for myself and the example I need to set for my children. yes 100 lbs. and I dont know how to work this goal... 10 lbs at a time? 20 lbs?? whats a good way to look at this and be motivated instead of defeated. Thats a lot of weight I have put on...
    any ideas or successes out there or whats working for those for you who are doing this??? thanks for the help and reading this. i decided to put it out there. not making an excuse.. just wanted you to know the background to help understand.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member

    That sounds so hard and I understand it's been a tough journey! I wish you luck on this new journey!