Young Moms losing weight



  • chelseawinkle
    i agree with the losing interest thing i am the same way it is hard to stay motivated when you are working out alone i need that someone there to push me like when i was in the marine corps.
  • mamabearr
    Post your goal and well keep you in line.
  • Anna19911
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 210. I want to loose 20 by halloween. Well if i can =)
  • mamabearr
    You can(:
  • lealenae
    I'm Lea. I'm 18 5'0 and 142 lbs. I want to lose about 27 lbs at LEAST. 10 lbs by halloween would be great. I have a horrible time staying motivated with working out. I started really counting my calories a week ago and have been doing pretty well. I wanted to lose weight before I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 115 so now that I'm this much heavier I feel horrible and hate doing things like shopping for clothes and getting my picture taken. I'm really glad I found this support group.
  • NTsabetsaye
    I'm Natasha, I'm 5'7" and right now pregnant am weighing 180lbs. I'm due Sept 17, induction going to be Sept 24 if she doesn't show up by then. Counting on BFing, diet and walking to help lose some of the weight. I want to get down to 140 lbs in the long run, but with a tighter body for the most part and be physically fit again. I started losing weight before I got pregnant, and had gotten down to 135 lbs, but then pregnancy made me pack it all back on and then some. I feel absolutely horrible right now, and I want to be able to feel healthy again!
  • rbcca19
    5'4" with 40 lbs to lose. I need some motivation for sure. I'm having a hard time juggling 2 kids and finding time for myself.
  • mamabearr
    How has everyone been doing today?
  • rayallen3
    rayallen3 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not a mom but I am married with children and my wife had some weight to lose after our last baby.Try shakeology chocolate shakes. go to and read and view the shakeology info. I started these shakes into my diet a week ago and lost 2.5lbs in a week. The idea behind them is that the shake has the alot of veggies, fiber, protein, probiotics and natural ingredients that will satisfy the body nutritionally to stop the food cravings. The probiotics will help your digestion and regularity. Basically the shakes give your body what it needs and wants so it needs for nothing else. you can also do a 3 day cleanse on these shake too. 3 shakes a day with fruit as a snack and a nice salad for dinner. I didn't do that but I plan on it real soon. a friend of mine loss 5lbs in a week and the weight didn't come back (this included excercise too!) Hope this helps! It has helped me and many others. Get the chocolate, it taste way too good to be this great for you. Don't let the price throw you for too big of a loop. It works out to $4 a shake. That's really not that bad for a meal replacement. 140 calories 14g of protein.
  • havidi
    How has everyone been doing today?

    DD and I walked the mall for 4 hours. I didn't have anyone to watch her and she's not 6 weeks yet so I can't take her to the gym yet. I took her in her travel system and really walked it a few times before even looking at shops. Good luck everyone!
  • November09mama
    Good. I didnt really exercise today. Luckly Wii tennis is considered a exercise lmao. Tomorrow I am going to be working out! We are going to go clean out the house we bought and mow down the jungle in the back yard.
  • Anna19911
    This thread is getting dull!!

    I weighed myself this morning and it said i've lost four pounds. but i'm not going to make that official until next week.
  • mamabearr
    It's dull because no one is posting on it): besides ME.
    I need to stop weighing myself so often. I'll weigh myself again monday or something.
  • Anna19911
    Weigh every thursday morning. Thats what i'm going to do because if i don't i'll just weigh myself everyday and obsess over it.
  • mamabearr
    Haha okay. Thursdays it is. I have been weighing myself every day. I need to stop.
  • Anna19911
    I know haha. We need to just hide the scale or somthing!
  • mommashelbs
    Yeah, I think I'll get in on weighing every Thursday morning. I can't wait to see results ....I'm so darn impatient!

    I think I've already lost a lb, though! According to some website I was reading on the other day, I shouldn't lose more than a lb a week if I'm breastfeeding. Poo on that!
  • Anna19911
    But remember a pound a week is better then none!

    I'm really impatient to i wish i could just snap my fingers and be skiinny!!
  • mommashelbs
    Did you guys take before pictures? I can't wait to post before and after pictures, lol!!
  • mommashelbs
    I wish SO's mom wouldn't buy me huge sodas ......I really can't be tempted right now. The only thing I NEED to be drinking is water. :(