A little too obsessive...

Hey everyone,

I have found that recently I am getting a little too preoccupied with my weight--as in, weighing myself daily and freaking out if my weight goes up even just half a pound. Obviously I know that weight fluctuates from day to day, but I find myself constantly thinking about my weight and worrying about if I will have lost anything by my next weigh in.

My boyfriend is threatening to hide the scale until weigh in day.

Does anyone have this problem? Or does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop worrying so much?

Thanks!! Happy Friday!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My boyfriend is threatening to hide the scale until weigh in day.

    Let him. It will do your mind a world of good after a while. By stressing it so much, you can actually hinder your progress. It's not worth it. Bring the scale to the S.O. and tell him to hide it, and only leave it out on your weigh in day, then hide it again in a new place
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I agree with DrBorkBork. I found myself obsessing when I was weighing myself daily, so I found the discipline within myself to cut it back to once a week. Definitely helped my peace of mind! :)
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    Well, I weigh myself every day. But I just roll my eyes at myself if my weight goes up. LOL. Then I adjust what I'm eating. Usually, my weight goes up if I'm eating too much.
  • amscobra
    I agree, Let the man hide it. I weigh myself once a week, and it gives me something to work towards. I work just as hard to show that scale who's boss once a week! :-)
  • cuppycake22
    Well, I weigh myself every day. But I just roll my eyes at myself if my weight goes up. LOL. Then I adjust what I'm eating. Usually, my weight goes up if I'm eating too much.

    I do the same :) and really do laugh after!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    To be honest i don't weigh myself at all...once a month i measure my waist, chest and hips...i plan on weighing myself once a month too...just stick to the calorie plan, work out as much as you can and away you go...
  • rastrillo
    rastrillo Posts: 28 Member
    Go Boyfriend!!!
    Really stressing about anything will raise cortisol levels. Cortisol throws your body into fat storage mode. Dr BorkBork already said it. Keep in mind the scale will win if you stress over it.
  • cnash81
    My boyfriend has made the exact same threat. It's hard not to weigh-in so often when you want to see results so badly. I found that my daily weighing was actually hindering my weight loss because I tend to be an emotional eater. I'd weigh myself, see no change, get discouraged, and eat poorly. It might be a good idea to let him hide the scale if you can't resist weighing yourself so often. Once a week has been good for me; you see greater results and thus are more encouraged.
  • youngtweezy
    Go Boyfriend!!!
    Really stressing about anything will raise cortisol levels. Cortisol throws your body into fat storage mode. Dr BorkBork already said it. Keep in mind the scale will win if you stress over it.

    I agree. Just trust yourself and be confident about your progress; the scale doesn't help any.
  • kaymarie11
    girl let him hide it!!! My boyfriend threw ours away!! Its not about the weight its about how you look at feel. If you go to most gyms there is a scale so limit yourself to once a week. I am doing weight watchers and they only allow a weigh in once a week!!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but I keep track and notice the overall progress instead of the every day fluctuations. If you are going to weigh yourself every day, write it down, make a line graph (with weight on the left, date on the bottom.. like we did back in school!) so you can see your overall weight is still going down. My Wii Fit does this for me and helps me keep a piece of mind. It also helps me keep track of what is causing the daily fluctuations. Usually it's either eating too late, not drinking enough water, or for random reasons.

    Try to not obsess over your weight.. mainly, don't let it predict your mood. It's not a healthy habit to get in to and can hinder weight loss efforts.
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    Well, he hid it, so hopefully that helps a little. I want to watch my calories and food intake, but i don't want to be obsessing over it. Hope it helps :)