Any first time runners out there?

I honestly haven't ran since since I was a kid,and would really love to start. Just wondering if there's any tips on how to get motivated to run? Or any tips on how to get started.


  • KristenY18
    I'm actually on day 2 of jogging! I have never been a runner and decided the other day....I want to be! So I would love so advice as well. . I tried the couch to 5k program a while back and it was good, but I got bored :( Maybe check that out!!
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    I just started the couch to 5k program. I am on week 2. Feel free to add me.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm starting C25K tomorrow
  • iheartmy1dog
    Make sure to get good running shoes! Doing strength exercises are important too... It helps prevent cardio injuries(my physical therapist told me that-- wish I knew before I had started running tho!)
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Right here!! I tried the c25k app, and found it decent... but pretty boring.... look into the Zombies, Run! app, its amazing! lol. Really gets you going!
  • AmyHammons1
    AmyHammons1 Posts: 49 Member
    Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Sign yourself up for a 5k a few months ahead of time (seeing that date on the calendar will motivate you when you don't want to get out the door.

    2. Vary where you run. A change of scenery is nice and a different terrain will challenge you

    3. Worry about endurance first and speed later.

    4. Treat yourself to something nice with every accomplished goal (ie: new songs for the ipod)

    5. My personal favorite ~ the Zombies Run! app (useable for several devices). You can listen to a story between your songs and "collect" items as you run. Absolutely LOVE this app.

    6. Find a running partner. You don't even have to run together. My running buddy and I try to do our long runs together but if we can't it's still nice to have someone to be accountable to.

    I started running in 2010 during a very difficult time in my life. I would begin my run feeling stressed and finish with a clear mind and peace. Running is my "yoga" =) When I began, I couldn't run for a entire song so I would TRY to run 1 song and walk for 3 songs for 3 miles. As I got stronger I ran more and walked less. Earlier this year I finished my first half marathon and I'm currently training for my first full marathon! Running is when I make sense of everything, it's when answers to problems come to me. I hope you love it as much as I do!
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    You may want to check out "The Beginning Runner's Handbook."

    I don't like running but I've used the run/walk program in there to do 3 10Ks. Real easy to follow.

    Best to you!
  • KurtK1970
    KurtK1970 Posts: 50 Member
    I'll add a vote for "Zombies, Run!". Words can't express how much I absolutely love this app! It's gotten me out running/walking more than anything ever has, and sometimes I find myself wanting to go twice in a day just to hear more of the story or collect more supplies for my base.
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    The two best pieces of advice I've had:

    1. Your mind will give up before your body does
    2. When I did 3km for the first time, someone told me to never do less than that as I now knew I could do it. The next day I did it again, and then after a couple of rest days, suddenly ran 5km! (Which was yesterday, and it's only just sinking in that I've done it.)

    I didn't follow any programmes - I just got my foot out of the door, which was a huge thing, and then kept doing 1km until I could run it the whole way. After that it's come very quickly.

    I'd also recommend running in the rain, which really helped me. I don't do well when I'm getting hot and I found I didn't expend as much energy sweating and could run through puddles to cool my feet down!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Run slow when I say slow I mean slower than you think is slow. Speed will come in time
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Just go slow at first you have to built some condition ; ) try to set up little goals every week maybe run one mile more every week or try to beat your time from last week.
    Make sure you have the right shoes! Keep hydrated all the time and have fun don't beat yourself.

    I started jogging last October just because I wanted for try it and went from not really running or liking it to loving it and now I'm running 82 miles this month.
  • hmmisee
    hmmisee Posts: 3
    Look after your feet! Wear proper running shoes that fit, do appropriate stretches, don't push yourself to start too hard.
  • amandamontreuil
    Does this zombie, run! App run on androids? It sounds pretty interesting!
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    Last year I was in the same boat. The C25K program did wonders for me & now I'm training for a 15K. It's a great way to start slow & work your way up.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I always thought of jogging/running and it looks good in my mind, so I decided one day while I was walking on the treadmill at the gym I would up the speed and my little legs would have to pick up pace or fall, I really like it. Have only started this past week so things are slow moving....I walk then I go to a slow jog only for about a minute, then walk again. This is fine for me to start hopefully I will get stronger and be able to do a 3 mile run and who knows maybe I will go further....good luck to you...friend me if you like and we can encourage one another.....
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    Does this zombie, run! App run on androids? It sounds pretty interesting!

    it does. It's great! You listen to a little story mixed with your music while you run/walk - when you hear zombies detected you better get your butt in gear! haha I love it!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    The number one thing I can tell you is get the RIGHT running shoes. Don't just choose a pair because they are "cute" or because you know the brand. Go to a specialty running store and have them fit you. They will look at your feet, your stride and a number of other factors to put you in the proper shoe for YOU. Don't buy a pair because someone you know likes that kind. They might have a completely different need than you do. The wrong shoe can lead to injury so please be careful and get fit properly.
  • jennorris1991
    jennorris1991 Posts: 61 Member
    I started running in June, ran far too hard and ended up with shin splints... so make sure you have rest days!! Good shoes are a must, they don't have to be expensive if you don't car how 'cool' they look. I took a month off running to repair my body and started again on monday, I have decided to run every other day to let my body recover. I started c25k on week 2 yesterday and it was great. I use Runtastic as it links up with myfitnesspal and program in the training plans, but instead of doing the program for 20mins I am doing it for 30mins.

    I started out despising running, and now i love it! I have to force myself to have the rest days!

    Feel free to add me!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I just started running a few months ago, I never even ran as a kid. I didn't do couch to 5K, but the way i went about things was very similar. Do a little at a time and start out slow. In just a few weeks, I went from being unable to jog for 30 seconds to being able to cover a couple of miles without needing to stop.
    1. Your mind will give up before your body does

    ^sooooooo true. i often remind myself, while on the trail "It's just a mental thing". Sometimes i have to repeat it over and over in my mind, like a mantra, in order to keep going.
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    One day, I just decided I would like to try to run...I didn't make it very far, but that was ok. I started trying to make it further every day and every time I went for a walk, I would try to run a little bit. Each day I could make it a little longer. While I am not at 5K level yet, I can sure make it a lot further than I could that first day! I agree with the shoes and I don't have the zombie app yet, but all of these posts make me want it!! I would say just will come if you are patient and give it your best each time!