
Anyone a runner and a smoker?


  • shagybear33
    Yeppers!! :D
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    unfortunatley yes. last fall i quit for 2 months and had some really nice runs, but life took over again and i started smoking again. my goal is to quit by December.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I just started the c25K program and I am a smoker...definately seeing a conflict
  • shagybear33
    I hear ya about life taking over and quitting. I just tried last month and didn't last too long. I'm gonna shoot for the spring when things settle down.

    I"ve been running for a little over two years and as long as I hit the treadmill or pavement a few times a week all is good. But if I miss a few weeks I really feel the burn (literally). lol
  • carlita231
    Not a runner, but a smoker and find that it does impact my exercising! It's so hard to quit...
  • cfolsen
    Hi I was a smoker to for 21 years and I stop this last winter at the end of Jan ... I used the new E cig they have out now they are a life saver....I bought mine and I have not had a real Cig since and now I do not use my E cig .....and now I'm trying to lose weight ...I have lost 9 lbs using myf
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I used Champix...I've never tried to quit before, and I've been smoking for 15 years...although I've never been a heavy smoker, I knew it was time to quit when I felt like I was dying on the ellyptical. It's been almost 2 months, and to be honest with you I feel great. I am just starting to notice the I can have a conversation when my heart rate is up to 153 bpm, and I don't sound like I'm ready to fall over. I mean I know how hard it is to quit, trust me, but my chest doesn't cave in anymore when doing cardio, and instead of bailing out after 20 minutes, I'm up to 45...good luck my friend, it isn't an easy choice to make...but it's well worth it.
  • thegirl68
    thegirl68 Posts: 28 Member
    I am a runner, and a nonsmoker now. I just celebrated my 13 months smoke free anniversary last Saturday. I know how hard it is to try to be healthy and yet know in your heart, what you are doing is not. I wish you all the best. Quitting was the hardest thing I've ever done. I still log in to almost daily, just to remind myself to be vigilant and protect my quit. Again, my best to you all.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I smoke and run. But I only smoke after I've done my exercise for the day. I find this helps prevent the smoking from having too much of an impact. I've quit before and every now and then I forget that I want a cigarette so I think I'm pretty lucky in that department. I'll probably quit next year when I move to the school of my dreams since they don't allow smoking on campus.
  • Jorgette06
    I used to smoke and ended up quitting when I joined the gym. I hatted the way I felt after working out because my lungs would burn. Now after a really good workout I crave a cigarette! LOL!
  • melissaptx
    I quit smoking 5 years ago but I've always been a runner. I'd get sooo out of breath after running a couple minutes. Now I can run non-stop for 30-45 minutes and I don't get out of breath anymore. It definitely does a number on your lungs.
  • Anna19911
    I know it affects my running but i just can't bring myself to quit.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I used to smoke and ended up quitting when I joined the gym. I hatted the way I felt after working out because my lungs would burn. Now after a really good workout I crave a cigarette! LOL!

    You just made me feel a whole lot better!! i quit smoking just over 3 months ago, yet after i work out, i crave a cigarrete. I have been meaning to start running...but I'll admit, i'm just to lazy to get my *kitten* in gear and get outside.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I used to smoke and ended up quitting when I joined the gym. I hatted the way I felt after working out because my lungs would burn. Now after a really good workout I crave a cigarette! LOL!

    Me too! Weird how that works
  • sgssmile
    Ex-smoker here, actually that's pretty much why I am here. I quit smoking almost 3 years...20 lbs. ago. I have never had a weight problem in my life until I quit. But in fairness, I don't think it was just the quitting I think I got a double wammy as I think that I entered menopause at the same time. I have lost 17 of the 20 lbs. so far and am feeling better about myself. I can assure you that I will never smoke again, I really enjoyed it but it owned me and I didn't like that, not to mention all the other obvious reasons. I quit with chantax and that was the only way I could quit. Good luck to all!:flowerforyou:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I know it affects my running but i just can't bring myself to quit.

    Just think about your little one......Do you want your child to get second hand smoke?

    Even if you don't smoke in front of your child it still lingers on your body. My husband was a smoker but he quit once we had kids.
  • gr8k8b
    gr8k8b Posts: 21 Member
    I used to smoke and ended up quitting when I joined the gym. I hatted the way I felt after working out because my lungs would burn. Now after a really good workout I crave a cigarette! LOL!

    Lol. I have the exact same problem! I've been an on again/off again smoker for a few years, however now that I'm getting back into exercising every other day, I don't really have the inability to deal with the stress of everyday (thankfully) however, when I push myself really hard at the gym, I get done and I'm like... "I want a cigarette!" But thankfully I just tell myself that I don't want to waste the money on them. lol
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I USED to run, but am training to run again. I smoke and am trying to quit. I am down to 4 a day.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I've actually discovered that if I do something that makes my breathing labored, like treadmill, stairs, etc. I don't crave a cigarette.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Anyone a runner and a smoker?

    I used to smoke and run, well I say run, but it was something like run for a minute, walk for a minute, run for a minute, walk for a minute..... in fact, I was unable to run for longer than four minutes and that was pushing it bigtime.

    When I eventually quit smoking, within a week I was able to run for eight minutes non stop, two weeks later was twenty minutes without stopping and now a couple of years later I can run until my legs get tired, I do not get out of breath.

    When I smoked, I would argue the toss that smoking did NOT affect people exercising, but I was fooling myself and only saw this once I stopped smoking because of the difference in my own exertion before and after the smoking.

    It is difficult to quit smoking, in my own case, coughing up what I thought was blood was enough to put me at a crossroads - either continue smoking and take the consequences or quit and get myself back in order. I chose the second option.

    Once I chose it, I began to wonder how good I could get at running without the ciggies, the answer? no idea, I have never reached my limit on the stopwatch lol.

    I :heart: running :love: :love: :love: