Multi-Vitamin calories. Who's counting them?



  • urbanbabydoc
    urbanbabydoc Posts: 15 Member
    I count them and just make whatever adjustment I have to to meet my goals. Its no different than picking up 2 starlight mints and deciding not to log them. The calories ARE there so you might as well acknowledge them, right? It seems you must actually have something more than a vitamin, perhaps some other supplement as well. I run in to that when I'm taking Omega fatty acid supplements and fiber supplements. The other benefit of scanning/or adding your supplement (if they are actually vitamins) is that it will also post in your nutrients as well so your can count those micronutrients to see their overall contribution to your dietary intake. Good luck with whichever decision you make!
  • cynsationp
    If you put it into your mouth and swallow it...count it. I believe you should count all supplements. Most of them have calories, carbs, sweeteners along with the minerals/vitamins/fiber,etc. It's a painful pill to swallow, but, you're cheating your diet if you don't count it as intake. I take most of mine first thing each day and record it under breakfast. I take a lot of chewable supplements due to a malabsorption problem. If I didn't count these calories/carbs, I would be about 170 calories over on my daily calorie intake and wondering why I wasn't seeing the weight loss that I want. If you are not counting your vitamin tablet because "it only has 45 calories", what else are you not counting throughout your day?
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,733 Member
    An extra 50 calories a day is 5 pounds of fat over the course of a year. This was the size of surplus that caused me to slowly gain weight over many years.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Well...Do you count ever step of exercise you take? Unlikely. So while you have these calorie expensive ones don't log them.

    I've never seen one over like 15cals... WHAT have they put in there?

    I do count mine
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you're counting everything, and need to do so in order to see progress, you should count vitamins. As it happens, my multivitamin is only 15 calories.
  • urbanbabydoc
    urbanbabydoc Posts: 15 Member
    Actually, I wear a BodyMedia armband 23.5 hours per day and I DO count almost every step I take. It's just kind of where I am in the process. We know the art of calorie counting (outside of a physiology lab) and measuring calories burned is less than an exact science but the whole purpose (to me) of logging is to have a "best guesstimate" of your ins and outs so you can manage your weight. Logging creates awareness and awareness allows you to make better decisions. Why bother if you're going to pick and choose what to count?