Back again - Diabetes 2 - Scared me back

Hello -I have been here before and it was so amazingly helpful. but after a year my doctor said I was doing great so I decided to take a break - You know ' i deserved it' type thing.

Well I am starting this again I had lost 25 pounds and only needed 5 more pounds off so that i could stop with my medication.

So I am back to do it right and to make it a life habit. I need to loose 20 lbs but my biggest issue is what to eat. So please add me as a friend i need all the support - the more friends the merrier :-)

Thank you.:smile:


  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Glad you're back, feel free to add me!
  • Hi there! I've had a couple of diabetes scares this past year. I've been told that because of my weight and lifestyle I'm in a prime category for developing the condition. This is the main reason I've decided to lost some weight before it's too late. I find the support of MFP amazing!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Truly scary to me also. The factor that really stopped me in my tracks however, was elevated blood pressure.

    I was absolutely willing to start BP meds, but quickly learned after trying EIGHT different kinds, that I wasn't successful with any of them, That minute, I epiphanied into a no salt, no sugar, no grain no dairy lifestyle, and have been happy as a clam with it for four months.

    My sugar and blood pressure are both WNL, my breathing is much better, and I truly do feel 10 (or more) years younger.

    Incientive galore- trade this for a lousy (or even wonderful) cookie? NOT ME !!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    happieharpie -- is RIGHT ON THE MONEY. A bunch of folks will attack her for saying it, and though she may not be diabetic--I am and the lifestyle choice to drop the wheat, drop the sugar, watch sodium works. I did not drop the dairy--just don't have much and it is a little cheese for enjoyment, sour cream, and heavy cream.

    I played around with lower carbs. Helped but not enough. Went to high fat, low carb. Am much more satisfied with what I get to eat now. Have more energy. Sleep better. Dropping grains--got to drop my allergy med, got to lose the gastrointestinal issues--even the ones that accompany metformin, got to generally just feel better. Added the high fat, moderate protein--enjoy my food much better, dropped cholesterol from 202 to 162 in 4 months, dropped a1c from 6.2 to 6.0 in 4 months, lost 25 pounds in 4 months, blood pressure is normal now, and feel less deprived than another other eating type i tried.

    There are many who will say I don't know what I am talking about. There are actually vegan diabetics. I respect their choice, but I could not do that as my body cannot process that many carbs without elevating sugars. I experimented and quickly found I needed the animal protein to keep sugars at bay. Now the high fat REALLY helps with that.

    Each of us is different, you will have to experiment to find your way. Don't give up. It took me over a year to find whats worked best for me. and where I got to feel my best.

    just DO IT. You are young enough to beat this Monster. I ignored my diabetes for over 10 years. God only knows what I will suffer in the future from ignoring the horrible disease. I pray I am not too late to stop some of the possible nightmares. I actually had to post notes around the kitchen with lovely sayings like "DIABETES KILLS. YOU will lose your legs. YOU will go blind." okay, you get the point.


    GOOD LUCK and DEMOLISH the Diabetes Monster.
  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    Feel free to add me. I was diagnosed in April with Type 2 diabetes. I have since then started to eat better carbs, more fruits and veggies and exercise everyday even if it is for 20 minutes. Love the results. Next October I will have my blood work done and hopefully my diabetes will be under control.

    Good luck!