MFP Biking Challenge July 6



  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am heading out to ride in a few minutes. I was planning on 30 miles, but it is getting HOT fast so I don't know. I may have to shorten it due to the heat and humidity case you didn't know, it is REALLY HOT in Alabama during the summer. The humidity is so bad it feels like you could cut it with a knife. Makes any form of outside exercise just flat out UNPLEASANT!!!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I did 18 today. I was feeling like doing a little more but it was just getting too hot.

    So totals so far this week

    Mon - 11
    Weds - 18
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Ok gang--I've decided to take a few days off from riding. I think my body needs some time to recover a bit. Still no weight loss--legs feel like mush--in a foul mood overall. darkevil.gif

    So, I'm setting back my goal to increase to 45 miles one week and am that a few days off will help.

    Good decision! I hopr that does not come out wrong, but with the miles you usually ride you NEED to read up about training dear! You are hurting yourself and you risk that you get tired and don't want to ride anymore. (Overtraining). I am suprised that did not happen earlier.

    You are not just riding around the block anymore and have some big distances plus sometimes long rides back to back on your schedule. That is good as long as you take a break too.

    Generally you should take at least a day or two break per wee. After 3 weeks you should take an entire week off. No biking!. You can do other things, but no bike. After that you can start again your 3 week cycle and increase the milage significantly. Called periodization. Basically all athletes in all major sports use it. Google it or email me if you need more info.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Good decision! I hopr that does not come out wrong, but with the miles you usually ride you NEED to read up about training dear! You are hurting yourself and you risk that you get tired and don't want to ride anymore. (Overtraining). I am suprised that did not happen earlier.

    You are not just riding around the block anymore and have some big distances plus sometimes long rides back to back on your schedule. That is good as long as you take a break too.

    Generally you should take at least a day or two break per wee. After 3 weeks you should take an entire week off. No biking!. You can do other things, but no bike. After that you can start again your 3 week cycle and increase the milage significantly. Called periodization. Basically all athletes in all major sports use it. Google it or email me if you need more info.

    I did Google about long distance bike riding and that's how I discovered that even "professionals" take breaks--so I was like YIKES! I'm still 90-some pounds over weight and very new at this, so what am I trying to do here!!

    So, I'm taking off until Monday I think and back at it. I'm really hoping this plateau,---short as it is so far-breaks soon because it has got me down.

    Oh, and I did measuring again--even though it's only been 1 week since my last measurements--and I've lost 2" off my "upper gut" in 1 week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT, my thigh increased by 1/2" and my calf by 1""--gotta be muscle!
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Tuesday: 25
    28 Miles. Check
    Wednesday: 15 - 14 Miles. Check
    Thursday: 45
    Saturday: 15
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    I did Google about long distance bike riding and that's how I discovered that even "professionals" take breaks--so I was like YIKES! I'm still 90-some pounds over weight and very new at this, so what am I trying to do here!!

    Yup! And you do some serious exercise too! Maybe you underestimate your effort or are very ambitious? Or you just have fun?

    I can tell you a lot of stories of people who were wondering why they did not have the success they wanted or suddenly just lost interest, got injured. Don't look at what you are doing as "just riding a bike". You ARE doing some serious training. And there is a lot more to riding longer distances then jsut being fit. The training is just how to get there. Then there is nutrition. When do you eat, and what, how much before and what after the ride. Hydration. And so on and so on. It is a science itself almost.

    I think you should give yourself more credit for the athletic effort you are making. Make a trainings plan. And learn about how best to get to a set goal, i.e. I want to ride so many miles by....

    By the way, if it wasn't for me saying I'll ride 15 miles today I would not have gone out. Humid, hot, headwinds... just plain no fun. But since I said I'll go, I did.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Yes, I am learning that this long-distance stuff takes some thinking through!

    The next issue I'm fixing is getting in all my calories when I do these long rides--since I'm diabetic, I have to watch my carbs, sodium, etc. very close. And, even though I can eat ALOT more carbs now than I ever used to be able to (including fruit!), I still have to be careful, even on long-day rides.

    So, I'm being faced with having 1500-1800 and up once I go for longer distances in calories to eat and only being able to have about 25% of that in carbs! Try that and see how fun it is!

    It's becoming very difficult. In fact, I am going to talk to my doc about it because I could eat more carbs if I went back on the one diabetes pill that I just got off of last week, which I don't really want to do. One of my goals is to get off all meds--but without that pill, my carbs are more limited. With it, I can probably eat all I need to get my calories in for the day.

    What to do.....what to do.....I'm thinking that I might go back on that dang pill until I lose more weight. But will talk it through with my doctor and see. Maybe ask to be referred to a dietitian and see if i can pick their brains.

    I've also just joined up with this on-line site dedicated to diabetics who wish to be involved in more than your average athletic activities--so I'm hoping to get some information/help from there, too.

    Thanks for the advice and support! I miss my bike already! I have really come to love riding--I can't believe how much I do love it so quickly but I just love getting on there and seeing how far I can go and all the scenery I see--it's just so great being on that bike!
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    I hear you!
    Talking to your doctor is a good idea. I forgot that you are diabetic. That makes it even more challenging. If you can not eat too many carbs then all the power bars and such will not work for you:frown:

    Sounds though as if you are are on the right track with all the research you are doing. See, I am a little bit too much perfectionist and want to know everything about all parts and components of that sport that I can possibly learn. So I read a lot about training and nutrition an such. Specifically for endurance.

    I feel with you about missing the bike. I HATE these weeks when my schedule calls for a week of and sometimes I cheat by a day.:embarassed: Sure, I can go to the gym and do weights or other things that do not too much effect my legs. But it's not the same. I am going for a long ride today (I try at least), and that curiosity what is beyond that part of the road that I have already explored is an incredible motivator for me. O also read that if you make a trainings plan, it is easier and more motivating to accomplish your goals. And that is true. I keep track in a journal, and it is really funny to read where I was 3 month ago. Here I am riding 40 - 50 miles, and in March I was struggling to finish 4 miles!

    I'd be interested to learn what your final decision on carbs/pill is and why.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Well, the diabetes and exercise site that I joined has already proven helpful. I've gotten back some good responses about my questions and think I will go back on at least 1/2 of the one pill for now and see how that works.

    Someone on there made a good point--that as I lose more and more weight, I will burn fewer and fewer calories on these rides, so I will need to eat less and less to keep up. That means fewer and fewer carbs needed, which means that I will eventually not need that pill to enable me to eat large amounts of carbs!

    I hadn't thought of it that way--so I'm going to still talk it over with my doc but to me--right now--being able to ride long distance is more important than being able to come off the meds, particular since that will come with time.

    On another note, I ordered a good book off of called "Bike for Life: How to Ride to 100." Great book! Lots of stories, suggestions, tips, training info, etc.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Well, the diabetes and exercise site that I joined has already proven helpful. I've gotten back some good responses about my questions and think I will go back on at least 1/2 of the one pill for now and see how that works.

    Someone on there made a good point--that as I lose more and more weight, I will burn fewer and fewer calories on these rides, so I will need to eat less and less to keep up. That means fewer and fewer carbs needed, which means that I will eventually not need that pill to enable me to eat large amounts of carbs!

    I hadn't thought of it that way--so I'm going to still talk it over with my doc but to me--right now--being able to ride long distance is more important than being able to come off the meds, particular since that will come with time.

    On another note, I ordered a good book off of called "Bike for Life: How to Ride to 100." Great book! Lots of stories, suggestions, tips, training info, etc.

    Hey there!!! I am glad the other site is also helping you girlie! Keep us updated.

    And yes, your workout will provide less of a calorie loss, but you are getting so much stronger. It's a good, bad, and ugly there. :wink:

    Let us know how your book goes, I might get it for fall (back to school) reading. Share if you find any great tips!

    YEY YOU!!!
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340

    On another note, I ordered a good book off of called "Bike for Life: How to Ride to 100." Great book! Lots of stories, suggestions, tips, training info, etc.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I was going to recommend that book

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yes, very VERY good reading.
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Tuesday: 25
    28 Miles. Check
    Wednesday: 15 - 14 Miles. Check
    Thursday: 45 ---- 51 miles Check
    Saturday: 15

    Total miles: 93

    Almost there
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Today I finally did a tour I had planned for a long time. Route 9 takes you all the way along the Delaware river to the bay, if you follow it long enough. It is not used much anymore for people travel down to the shore, at least not the upper part. So there is very little traffic. I could count the cars that passed me in either direction in these 4 hrs on two hands. Fells as if the road is all yours. It's a beautiful scenery, sometimes wetlands and bridges over little creeks, typical coast landscape. Sometimes vast farm areas might that make you believe you are somewhere in the Midwest. I hope the pictures show that. I had been down that route before, but never that far. Today my goal was 50 miles, so I parked my car right behind the bridge (doesn't it look like the stairway to heaven?) and started pedaling. Nope, did NOT climb that bridge! Maybe next year. After about 4 miles I passed a sign that said : bridge closed. Darn it! That would force me to make a detour of about 4 miles and ride on a very busy road. I took my chances and rode to said bridge. When I got there, nobody was working yet. (7:30 am). So I sneaked through. On the other side was a truck parked with a guy waiting for the workers to show up. We chatted a bit and I made sure they'd let me pass again on my way back. At around 22 miles I saw a sign that said “Woodland beach”. Beach? Hmmmm...ok I'll check that out. So I turned of route 9 and rode down to that beach. Just a little town with maybe 20 houses and beach... well.... yes, there is some sand. But it was a nice point to take a break, eat my power bar and watch the water. After that it was back the way I came from.

    I posted some pictures on flickr.
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    I have a question...
    I am just starting to bike. Do you do other forms of exercise or is biking it? How has that affected your weight loss?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Today I finally did a tour I had planned for a long time. Route 9 takes you all the way along the Delaware river to the bay, if you follow it long enough. It is not used much anymore for people travel down to the shore, at least not the upper part. So there is very little traffic. I could count the cars that passed me in either direction in these 4 hrs on two hands. Fells as if the road is all yours. It's a beautiful scenery, sometimes wetlands and bridges over little creeks, typical coast landscape. Sometimes vast farm areas might that make you believe you are somewhere in the Midwest. I hope the pictures show that. I had been down that route before, but never that far. Today my goal was 50 miles, so I parked my car right behind the bridge (doesn't it look like the stairway to heaven?) and started pedaling. Nope, did NOT climb that bridge! Maybe next year. After about 4 miles I passed a sign that said : bridge closed. Darn it! That would force me to make a detour of about 4 miles and ride on a very busy road. I took my chances and rode to said bridge. When I got there, nobody was working yet. (7:30 am). So I sneaked through. On the other side was a truck parked with a guy waiting for the workers to show up. We chatted a bit and I made sure they'd let me pass again on my way back. At around 22 miles I saw a sign that said “Woodland beach”. Beach? Hmmmm...ok I'll check that out. So I turned of route 9 and rode down to that beach. Just a little town with maybe 20 houses and beach... well.... yes, there is some sand. But it was a nice point to take a break, eat my power bar and watch the water. After that it was back the way I came from.

    I posted some pictures on flickr.

    Pics look great! Seems like it was a nice ride. Thanks for sharing--at least, if I can't ride for a few more days, I can hear about other's rides!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I have a question...
    I am just starting to bike. Do you do other forms of exercise or is biking it? How has that affected your weight loss?

    I just joined a gym 2 weeks ago to do weight training, too. Other than that, biking is all I do.

    All my weight loss is attributed to riding--but I'm up to 90-110 miles a week now and planning on increasing distances on a consistent basis. I'm plateaued right now but my calves and thighs are really starting to build up some muscle!
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    I too have a gym member ship. Like shorerider said, the weight loss is because of the biking. BUT!: the gym membership is for rainy days when I can not bike, for the winter when rainy days happen naturally more often and because only biking is too... one sided. You need to train other muscle groups too.
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340

    Let us know how your book goes, I might get it for fall (back to school) reading. Share if you find any great tips!

    Princess the book is for .... err.. well .... older people telling them with a lot of a lot of exercise you can get even older.

    You are too young for that yet:wink:

    (But it is very good reading, I highly recommend it.)
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member

    Let us know how your book goes, I might get it for fall (back to school) reading. Share if you find any great tips!

    Princess the book is for .... err.. well .... older people telling them with a lot of a lot of exercise you can get even older.

    You are too young for that yet:wink:

    (But it is very good reading, I highly recommend it.)

    :laugh: So what is the new "old" ???
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I wouldn't say it's for "old" people--don't consider myself that just yet! But it's about how to do about bike riding so that you can "do a Century when you're a century" type thing. It's just overall good advice.
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