Eating 1200 calories a day and not losing weight (5'2)



  • Lmans77
    Lmans77 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm almost 5'2" started at 140, now 131 but with high body fat %. My TDEE is around 2000 calories and I had best luck eating 1400-1500 calories a day with 3ish workouts per week. Granted weight loss was slow, but you want it to be slow given that you don't have that much to lose. I think a more realistic goal is .5-1 lb a week.
  • mkcmiller
    mkcmiller Posts: 1 Member
    The 5:2 diet (fast diet) is 5 days of eating and 2 days of fasting (500kcal in 36hrs)....its not really meant to be a weight loss diet (this is just a side effect) but a health plan, the Horizon docu makes for very interesting watching....I have tried this and it does work, but I have very picky toddlers and if I am not eating or not eating the same type of stuff as them then they wont either so have given it up for a while
  • lafaz
    lafaz Posts: 8 Member
    Well all calories are not created equal! And I have found the older I have gotten my body responds differently to intake/output. I was a fitness instructor for a lot of years but your body will become very used to your regimen. It's why athletes "train" right? They do drills so that their body becomes efficient - meaning they can do more with less energy. It's really important to change up your exercise program. Also, after the age of twenty the body starts to lose muscle cells at an increasing rate which are replaced with fat cells which burn for less energy. So incorporating resistance training/weight training is important, too - just to MAINTAIN the muscle mass you have...I have found my body needs much less in calories than it used to. Another phenomenon I see when coaching people is that they generally overestimate what they burn at the gym, and underestimate what they eat - OR - they go to the gym and then say - I was good today!! I can go to happy hour, or out to eat with my friends, and then end up eating more than what they burned. The machines will only give you guidelines as to how much you are burning. Change things up --- average out your losses and I agree - 5 days with no weight loss does not mean a plateau!:wink:
  • nvaldez28
    nvaldez28 Posts: 2
    Hello, Ok, so I started working out almost 2 years ago. I did P90x and lost 20 lbs. I have been stuck at the same weight for over 5 mo. I still work out daily, still eat 1,200 cal a day but I cant manage to loose the last 10 lbs. I currently weigh 132 im 5'3. I keep reading that I may need to up my calories but im not sure, and every time I work out I add the calories burned to mfp and it tells me I have to eat more calories! Anyone have a similar issue?
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Short people don't lose like tall people...I'm 5' are already at a great start controlling portions and exercising..set your mfp goals to 1 pound a week and make sure your calorie burns from exercise are accurate...the burns on mfp are high..try to buy a heart rate monitor so that you can eat back the correct amount of a fit bit or polar..also drink lots of water! Add me as a friend if you like! :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hello, Ok, so I started working out almost 2 years ago. I did P90x and lost 20 lbs. I have been stuck at the same weight for over 5 mo. I still work out daily, still eat 1,200 cal a day but I cant manage to loose the last 10 lbs. I currently weigh 132 im 5'3. I keep reading that I may need to up my calories but im not sure, and every time I work out I add the calories burned to mfp and it tells me I have to eat more calories! Anyone have a similar issue?

    yea, you need to fuel your body. The base number of calories for that program is around 1800. In fact, I just use their online calculator and you should be eating about 1750 calories a day. I would up your calories and adjust macros to around 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fats. If you have suppressed your calories for 6 months, it may take some time to bounce back and for your body to adjust. Give it at least 6 weeks to see results.
  • Try this website about how when you first start, rapid weight loss will occur and later the weight loss will be slower. It explains how slow weightloss is good too. Read it!

    What one may think is a plateau may just be slower weight loss.
    Always make sure you are eating more food if you do long duration cardio and are very active throughout the day.
    Also, pair eating that food with more WATER. If you are 2% dehydratated, then you will lose 30% less weight. But note that too much water will cause water intoxication. The kidney only can handle 33 oz of water per hour.

    Good Luck! :wink:
  • When I first started I would always be under my suggested calories and would lose nothing! I exercise every day and usually do eat back my exercise calories. I was on medication when I stopped taking it the weight started coming off. I have not made any changes other than coming off the medication. It was very discouraging but I had to make my gould be just to stay under my calorie goals and to exercise daily. Unfortunately things like medication can slow or completely stop weight loss. I would have never believed that I could not lose weight at the rate I was eating before but that is what was happening. If you're taking medications see if your doctor can put you on an alternative. Also over-the-counter medications like Benadryl can cause weight gain or stop weight-loss. I googled every medicine that I took even occasionally and now I have to really really need it in order to take Benadryl.
  • I've been doing this for 3 weeks and lost 7lbs... But then this weekend had a little bit of a blow out and ate over my daily 1200 calories... I've put 3lbs back on so I know how frustrating it is. I haven't really been checking that I net the 1200, is this something that I should be doing? I'm exercising 5 -6 times a week, should I up this to 6 -7? I'm new to this whole thing and really need to loose about 30lbs so any help is greatly appreciated. Good luck to everyone else KPx
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    You're probably not eating enough.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    You have lost a completely normal amount of weight for 1200 cals a day and 5ft2. Keep doing what you are doing. If you don't make any more progress in the next 3 weeks then review.

  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    And this is a 7 month old post. Sigh.
  • nevergiveup51
    nevergiveup51 Posts: 48 Member
    The same thing happened to me I am so discouraged but I recently started to add more calories trying to eat around 1400 cal a day to see if that helps I only lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks not good enough for me
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I've been doing this for 3 weeks and lost 7lbs... But then this weekend had a little bit of a blow out and ate over my daily 1200 calories... I've put 3lbs back on so I know how frustrating it is. I haven't really been checking that I net the 1200, is this something that I should be doing? I'm exercising 5 -6 times a week, should I up this to 6 -7? I'm new to this whole thing and really need to loose about 30lbs so any help is greatly appreciated. Good luck to everyone else KPx

    Don't worry it's water water. I doubt you ate an extra 10500 calories over your TDEE. What I would suggest is have your goal set to 1 lb per week and aim to eat 50% of those exercise calories. In fact, most women I know are eating 1700-2100 calories a day to lose weight.

    Also if you aren't weight training or at least resistance training, then you should start.
  • HusnaYaya
    HusnaYaya Posts: 4 Member
    I have a similar problem but worse is I have been excercising regularly for over 2 weeks now, I have been using the the elliptical on weight loss intervals or just plain intervals 28 to 30 mins for the last two weeks , and then added row for about 15 mins for at least the last one week on top of which I am also doing an overall body workout with moderate weights( push ups, crunches, leg curls etc) on alternate days.
    I have been eating under 1200 cals every single day, The only reason I am hoping could explain this is because I got my periods yesterday? Could this be the reason and if so how long do I wait to measure myself. I get really frustrated after i do my gym and check my weight and nothing has changed. Any suggestions or tips on what I might be doing wrong?
  • sarcasmbunny
    sarcasmbunny Posts: 17 Member
    I was doing the same thing doing intense workouts 6 times a week, I'm 4"11' and sitting at 120lbs. I had been working out for 4 weeks and only lost 1 pound. Turn out, eating 1200 cals net, I was eating less than my BMR, which is 1300, so I put myself into starvation mode, so you won't lose weight or inches. I had to up my intake to 1800 minimum. What I suggest is to calculate your BMR, and you can find a calculator for this online, then multiply that by 1.725 because you are active, and then subtract 500 from that. I did it and I've definitely noticed a difference, not only in my energy, but in my workouts and body. It was very scary even thinking about eating that much as I admit I have some disordered thoughts about food, but it works. I'd give it a try.

    Calculate BMR (9.56 x weight) + (1.85 x height) - (4.68 x age) + 655
  • xxSjayxx
    xxSjayxx Posts: 56 Member
    You lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks! How do you figure you're stalled? Give it a little more time and keep doing what you're doing. You've got this.
    So you want her to continue netting 700 calories per day?

    Awful advice.

    God she would have a heart attack at my diary then! lol :laugh:

    just remember, that if something works for someone's body, it doesn't always work for someone else's.
  • sarcasmbunny
    sarcasmbunny Posts: 17 Member
    I have a similar problem but worse is I have been excercising regularly for over 2 weeks now, I have been using the the elliptical on weight loss intervals or just plain intervals 28 to 30 mins for the last two weeks , and then added row for about 15 mins for at least the last one week on top of which I am also doing an overall body workout with moderate weights( push ups, crunches, leg curls etc) on alternate days.
    I have been eating under 1200 cals every single day, The only reason I am hoping could explain this is because I got my periods yesterday? Could this be the reason and if so how long do I wait to measure myself. I get really frustrated after i do my gym and check my weight and nothing has changed. Any suggestions or tips on what I might be doing wrong?
    Like I said with the OP, eat more! You're putting your body into starvation mode, its like trying to power a train car with no fuel, if you don't put fuel in it, it wont go.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member

    First of all, she hasn't hit a plateau, it has only been 5 days.

    - You should only be weighing yourself once a week, so the last 5 days means nothing. Your weight will fluctuate every day, throughout the day.

    - You are not eating enough. I don't know where you got the 1200 calorie number - but I'd bet money it is too low. Then you are working out on top of that and not eating those calories - you are probably netting like 600 a day. Way too low. You are not fueling your body. You won't lose weight - and it is unhealthy.

    Use one of the many calculators out there to figure out your TDEE - 20% and eat at that number.

    Excellent advice. And to reiterate: 5 days is not a plateau.
  • HusnaYaya
    HusnaYaya Posts: 4 Member
    Like I said with the OP, eat more! You're putting your body into starvation mode, its like trying to power a train car with no fuel, if you don't put fuel in it, it wont go.

    I just calculated my BMR on a random online site turns out to be like 1598 I usually try to keep it below 1200, I 'll bump up my calorie intake and check how things go ...fingers crossed. Thanks :)