Need a weight loss buddy? :|

Enma_ai Posts: 1 Member
Ok so Im starting out now and I get really demotivated if I dont see quick results :( I have about 20 pounds to lose so Im looking for a weight loss buddy to do it along with. Would anyone like to join? Im 5"0 and about 130 pounds


  • Hey, my name is Carla, I am training to be a personal trainer and would be happy to try and help with your motivation. I know the challenges of losing weight from clients and personal experience….though I am not looking to lose weight at the moment….if you think I can help let me know!
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    i can be your weight loss buddy :) I'm 18, lost 11 pounds, and am looking to lose 19 more pounds.

    I'm 5'6, weigh 144, want to be 125...if you want to be my weight loss buddy, friend request me and send me a message, id be happy to help you :)
  • athleticbody21
    athleticbody21 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I can be your buddy! I am 31, a personal trainer and losing weight both post injury and for a fitness show. I have about 10 pounds to lose. But having extra accountability is always great, and I love being supportive!

    I am 5'1 and about 120. Send me a friend request and let's do it!
  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
    Yup, I could use a weight loss buddy too. I'm about your height and my goal is higher than yours because I am just aiming to be at the top of the healthy range. I've got 20 and change to go.
  • taanvi
    taanvi Posts: 33
    hey hi...i wud like to be your weight loss buddy feel free to also trying to lose 20 pounds in 3 mnths or wud be amzing to do it....i need someone to check me daily...bcos the day i crash diet i dnt feel like making a diary entry tas bad i need suopport
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    looking for a friend. Have over 100 lbs to lose. Any one that needs support please add me.
  • noz1982
    noz1982 Posts: 12 Member
    hi ! i need buddies too ! i too lose motivation quickly if i dont see any results
    i am 5ft 1 197 pounds so have a long way to go
  • Feel free to add me. I need more motivation. I am 5'5, 28, and need to lose another 10 pounds. The LAST TEN, which have been hanging on to me for dear life. LOL. Anyone else on this board can add me as well. :happy:
  • Hi all... I too am new to myfitnesspal & would like the support of members who are striving for a healthy lifestyle. I joined slimming world 10 weeks ago and to-date have lost 23lbs, which I'm proud of, but the weight loss is slowing down. I've incorporated exercise now into my healthy eating, which I am enjoying. I've enjoyed reading all the inspirational stories on myfitnesspal and it keeps me on track when I feel "tempted" by the cookie jar or if its raining... Can't be bothered to take the family dog for a walk! Thanks for reading x
  • Let's be buddies! I'm 23, 5'4", and looking to lose a stone. I currently weigh 134, and I'm for 120. It weighed that not so long ago and loved how it made me look and feel. Too many nights-out and ordering pizza with the boyfriend has been my downfall! We can motivate each other. Feel free to add me (or anybody else who's looking for a buddy). I'm new to MFP, so some friends would be lovely.
  • kaiyamwc
    kaiyamwc Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys im new i have motivation but when im feeling like giving up i need a boost!! be my buddy.
  • I'm new and want to lose 8 kg for FOREVER!! Need buddy
  • tashaboo00
    tashaboo00 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey Yall. I would be happy to add more buddies.. Most of the people that started this journey have quit on me. I need that extra push to stay motivated.
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    Hey, I need buddies as well. I am 20 years old 5'3 and I have quite bit of weight to lose. feel free to add me!
  • tdemattia
    tdemattia Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I have been doing Myfitnesspal for awhile and I haven't lost. I'm 58 going and trying so hard to lose 10 pounds but the scale doesn't budge. I stick to the 1200 calories but add when I do exercise. Anyone out there having the same difficulties? I could really use some motivation
  • I'm looking for a weight loss buddy. Are you still looking for one ?
  • I really need to lose 30-40 pounds. Who is willing to be my weight loss buddie?
  • I am 18, 5'2 and 134lbs aiming for 105-110 and would love friends who need to lose around the same amount. I also lose motivation easily, but I find that friends keep you accountable and MFP is really helpful, but each day is challenging. Feel free to friend me!
  • arenad
    arenad Posts: 142 Member
    I could be someone's buddy. I have a family, but none of them need to lose weight. So I feel like am all by myself. I could really use some support and motivation.
  • mlclark86
    mlclark86 Posts: 33 Member
    I am looking for buddies too...and my goal is the same 20lbs. I am 5'6 and 143. I want lots of support because this is not the first time that I am starting a fitness and nutrition goal...not even the first time this year lol. I am two weeks in and like the support I get from the friends I have made so far and would love another one.