Chaotic life - need simple plans for meals.

I'm just beginning and have 100 pounds as my goal.

But my life is a mess. (this is one reason I've gained so much weight).

What I really need is a simple plan of what I can have for meals every day - maybe 3 different ways - and then I can buy it all and not have to think about it. There is no way I can spend any time prepping meals for myself to enjoy every day.

I could prep food on the weekend, most of the time.

Anyone have some suggestions?


  • On another note, I see some of you have your goal charts visible.

    That's really wonderful!

    How can I do that too?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    To show your weight-loss ticker, click "Settings" just above your post.

    As far as food - no foods are "off-limits". If you are looking to lose weight, just stay within your calorie goal and eat whatever you want.

    That said, protein, fiber and fats will leave you feeling more satisfied. Just study your Food Diary at the end of the day and learn from it.
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't know if you are a salad fan, but salads are easy to prep for in advance and change up without too much trouble. Cut veggies for the week on your Sunday and keep them in seperate containers. Moisture is what destroys lettuce so invest in a salad spinner and spin out all the moisture to keep the leaves nice for the week. You can swap many different sources of protein and fats into a salad very easily. Cook some chicken, beef or pork at the same time you are doing your veggie prep and use that throughout the week. Nuts, cheese or canned black beans, kidney beans and chickpeas are also easy to use as toppers. I pack the veggies and lettuce in one container, protein in another and use old spice jars to take along just enough salad dressing for work lunches.
  • Jsneel
    Jsneel Posts: 24 Member
    We went to farmers market and got fresh veggies...I recommend washing veggies n putting them in a ziplock and freezing them in serving sizes and when your ready for supper get them out and there already in a serving just cook them. And example what I did is... new potatoes,fresh green beans,slices of sweet onion,slice of turkey bacon.also we freeze our ground chuck in ziplocks to where there the size we will need for supper. Then ground chuck on a George foreman with garlic and a little onion and red pepper makes it healthy and good if ya like spicey food! Save a lot stores has good catfish that's pretty simple to put in oven and bake!
    Breakfast I eat oatmeal with a little fruit in it. Main thing to remember is WATCH portions!!
  • Thats what you need to do, you should cook in bulk and have it set for the week, go to youtube and search this channel MichaelKoryFitness, he helps people with healthy recipes, iv lost Ten pounds in two weeks since iv been cooking my meals in bulk, im not scamming just take a look
  • Thanks for the ticker tip! :o)

    Cooking up a bunch of stuff is what I do for my son, so my fridge is absolutely chock-full of calorie foods for this active teen young man I've got. Lots of carbs, fats, proteins, everything he needs to feed his rapid growth and active lifestyle.

    When I've got meats cooked up, I can grab those, but sometimes I've got casseroles and such and there is no room in the fridge at all. It's just full. Small fridge.

    I was thinking maybe oatmeal with a variety of fresh fruits every morning would make mornings simple, no thinking. I've got to work around the kefir smoothies I make for my son's first course, then the heavy breakfast for his second course - all this while in the middle of working my job on the computer all morning and afternoon, before heading off to other jobs in the afternoon and evening.

    I used to do omelets for myself, but I'm not sure I'm going to do low-carb... I don't know.

    Keep ideas coming! I love them all! :o)