skin removal surgery cost?



  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Wow thats a LOT Im.hoping it will all pull in with running. Mine is from my pregnancies+ rapid weight gain through those pregnancies- gained 70 lbs!!!
  • jhealy1191
    jhealy1191 Posts: 56 Member
    I think that for those who lose a lot of weight and keep it off should get it for FREE!!!!!!
    That's just my opinion :)
    Great job on your loss :) Sorry I'm not helpful

    Hahaha YES ^
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    My guess would be that insurance will not cover it because it is cosmetic.

    If the doctor words the insurance form just right then your insurance will cover it. They can't DARE say it's cosmetic! But they can make it a "medical necessity".
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    I got my Breast Augmentation through a great company in Thailand who Also does Tummy Tucks/skin removal, I think its around 5 000
    Before Anyone goes on about horror stories, The hospital and company I went through, my surgeon, nurses, and TT results I have seen have been top notch.

    Hi - just wondering how you went about finding a suitable company? Would you be happy to tell me their name? Thanks

    Don't dare do that!! It's way too risky! And for what you'd pay to fly to Thailand, you could have surgery done in USA where we have strict guidelines for safety.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    My guess would be that insurance will not cover it because it is cosmetic.

    If the doctor words the insurance form just right then your insurance will cover it. They can't DARE say it's cosmetic! But they can make it a "medical necessity".

    Insurance companies are a bit cleverer than that, they'll be looking for surgeons trying to put cosmetic treatments through this way. Any decent surgeon wouldn't bother trying, as its fraud. If it's not eligible under your insurance then there is no way to get it covered. If the insurers are at all suspicious they'll just ask for your medical records and the surgeons clinic notes, which they are unlikely to lie in as they are legal documents. Well that's how UK insurers work anyway!
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    I could do with surgery after losing over 200 pounds. I think I have less skin than I thought I was going to have. The onnly bit that bothers me is my chest and my belly, The skin is tight round my back and sides.

    In the UK, some NHS authorities do not do the surgery because it is cosmetic and some will do it but not even soon as possible even for medical reasons. There was a person in the news that suffers sores and infections all the time and has been told to maintain his weight for 3 years before the NHS does it. I understand needs to show the NHS some commitment to keep the weight off but 3 years is too long. They don't seem to factor in how much the NHS will be paying out to deal with these infections and sores in the mean time.

    Stomach surgery is around £5000-6000 and chest gynaecomastia surgery is £4000-£5000. That is around $15,000, I will never be able to afford it.

    The reason they do that is because skin can take two to three years before it has shrunk back the maximum amount it is going to. I would not even consider it before the two year mark:)
    Hope this helps:)
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Bump for later reading.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I was quoted 15k for the tummy tuck and I just...I can't do it.
    That's a down payment on a house.
    My mother also had one and she said the pain was worse than childbirth for about a week. :/

    So I'm just trying to learn to love myself.
    I have been told if I loose this last 40 pounds and keep it off for two years insurance will cover it, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm scared or that I live alone. ><
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I know someone who had a tummy tuck after losing 75lbs. A portion was covered by insurance, but ONLY because she was always fighting fungal infections where the skin was hanging over. Even then, it was a fight.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    The UK NHS only pays for plastic surgery if you say not having big boobs prevents you from realizing your dream of becoming a model even if your face is a train wreck.

    Medical insurance should never cover anything that is not medically necessary. The fact that so many non-medically necessary medications and procedures are now mandated has only only driven up costs for everyone.

    A lot of people live with various degrees of dissatisfaction with their appearance. In the free market one can shop around and choose options which suit their needs and budget or adapt to the hand your are dealt.

    If someone wants to start a charity that earmarks those who have lost a lot of weight, great. But this is not something that we should all be forced to pay for through higher taxes or higher insurance premiums.

    I don't expect anyone else to pay what I did to my body through my own choices. Nobody forced me to down Doritos a bag at a time. I did that on my own.

    BTW, if insurance ever did start covering this type of surgery the cost would skyrocket as it always does when somebody else pays.

    I like you.

  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    bump! and good luck; sorry I can't help BUT I DO need the answer, IF I can get this stupid bod of mine to do what it HAS to do bc I am working it to near death every day!!!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Yes I've checked into it. 8-12k is what I've found. I will never be able to afford that. So I need to learn to love myself the way I am...And I hope I can find someone who will love me the way I am too.
  • Where exactly is this at? I'm by Cincinnati, OH... is it close to there? How did you end up coming across this?
  • I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago at a teaching hospital. For thePlastic Surgon it was gonna be like 7600. If I had a Resident do it it was 3700. I had a resident, but the plastic surgeon was there too. So I got both for the price. I was still overweight at the time, but it turned out great. I had a full tuck. I have a scar from hip to hip. But you can't even tell with a swim suit on. I had mine done at University of Kentucky.

    Where exactly is this at? I'm by Cincinnati, OH... is it close to there? How did you end up coming across this?
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    As much as I hate having lost my Mom last month, now that she and Dad are both gone I know there is a blessing of funds coming my way when their house is sold. I will be putting every cent in the bank as it is marked for skin removal surgery. There is nothing else I would ever want to do with those dollars and I feel fortunate that I can honor my parents in this way as I know they would be very happy to see me healthy again.

    Thank you to all who have shared information in this topic. It is very helpful!
  • Before hopping right into surgery how many of you tried to exercise and wait a year or two?

    And I mean really exercise, as in, strength training with free weights.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    Before hopping right into surgery how many of you tried to exercise and wait a year or two?

    And I mean really exercise, as in, strength training with free weights.

    I am sure some do and some don't. When you are morbidly obese and lose weight in your late 40's or 50's exercise and some time after meeting the weight loss goal are important....but there is no way I am avoiding surgery when I am currently 48 years old and working on losing 190 pounds.

    I think many people, especially on here, are aware of the need for exercise and some time letting things adjust. But there is a lot of weight being lost on MFP and with these kinds of numbers skin is not coming back from that for many, if not most.

    It is a very VERY small percentage of people that just "hop right into surgery".
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Before hopping right into surgery how many of you tried to exercise and wait a year or two?

    And I mean really exercise, as in, strength training with free weights.

    I lost 312 lbs. over the course of 3 years and 3 months and average 2+ hours of exercise (including weight training once i lost enough weight to get out of the pool but did resistance work in the pool as well...) I had done pretty much everything I could and ended up getting a circumferential body lift and had 17 lbs. of skin removed and my abdominal muscles repaired (cinched them in 6 1/2 inches) ... So no I didn't hop right into surgery and at the time I had it done a had been dealing with several bouts of Cellulitis that was so bad it sent me to the Emergency room with major bacterial infections from the skin folds... best decision I ever made and would do it again in a heartbeat.... I don't think I posted on this particular topic but my body lift was just shy of 15 grand and no insurance didn't pay a dime....
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I've lost 132 lbs and have very very little loose skin. I've lost my weight in a 2 yr span most of it that is, and did some circuit training workouts once I hit my upper 100's.
  • Before hopping right into surgery how many of you tried to exercise and wait a year or two?

    And I mean really exercise, as in, strength training with free weights.

    I lost 312 lbs. over the course of 3 years and 3 months and average 2+ hours of exercise (including weight training once i lost enough weight to get out of the pool but did resistance work in the pool as well...) I had done pretty much everything I could and ended up getting a circumferential body lift and had 17 lbs. of skin removed and my abdominal muscles repaired (cinched them in 6 1/2 inches) ... So no I didn't hop right into surgery and at the time I had it done a had been dealing with several bouts of Cellulitis that was so bad it sent me to the Emergency room with major bacterial infections from the skin folds... best decision I ever made and would do it again in a heartbeat.... I don't think I posted on this particular topic but my body lift was just shy of 15 grand and no insurance didn't pay a dime....
    First, congratulations on your massive weight loss.
    I was mainly referring to a lot of the people I see in this thread who weren't that overweight(only losing 50-70lbs) and a lot younger. It slightly shocked me that they were already considering skin removal when their weightloss wasn't even finished yet. I think they should take a moment to realize that it's a major surgery when they might not even need it.
    Your case looks like one that would truly require skin removal surgery.