For those of you that have weekly "cheat days"

misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
How far over your goal do you typically go on cheat days? What do you consider cheating? I'm just curious.


  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    When I have "cheat" days I don't actually go over on my calories. I only get a cheat day if I lost weight on my weigh-in, and if I did I go out to dinner instead of eating in. But I still stay within my calories, I just might eat something a little less-healthy than usual.
  • on my cheat days i still try to stay under like today is mine i just rest from workouts but i dont over eat or i might just eat something i love but still make sure i stay under cals!!
  • Mepheston
    Mepheston Posts: 38 Member
    Saturday's are my "cheat day" and I only eat the amount of calories it would take to maintain my current weight, never over. Of course as I lose weight that number contiunes to go down, but I'm still not eating enough to gain any weight. :-) I also do a double workout on my "cheat day" so I get quite a few exercise calories back too.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I still try to keep close to my calories. For example, we typically order pizza on friday nights. So I make sure that I exercise that day and we order from a local restaurant that sells thin crust pizza with hardly any cheese. I can't find the nutrition info for them, but because there is not much cheese and the bread is so thin I figure about 600 calories for 4 small pieces. (MFP says 200 calories for a normal medium cheese slice) We are also going for dinner tomorrow night, so I have already scoped out the menu. I know I will go over on my calories but I am also going to hit the gym first thing in the morning and really watch my menu for the rest of the day.

    My point is, I try to let myself live normally but still stay close to my calorie count.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I stay within the calories, but may not make the best choices. Usually go over on the carbs that day. I don't do it every week, and usually it isn't planned.
  • I plan a cheat lunch OR dinner every Sunday, with dessert and whatever else I want. Don't count calories for that day. Works for me. For 3 years.
  • Let me preface this by saying that I am not calling anyone a liar (maybe not a good start lol but bear with me)

    I don't know how you can have a cheat day and stay under your calorie goal, which for women can be as low as 1200 calories? It has been months since I logged my meals (I became obsessive and I figured I needed to cut myself some slack and just try and be active and do it on my own) but I know that on regular day (non-cheat days) eating meals I made myself I struggled to stay under that amount of calories and I was usually at least a little hungry.

    Yet, I see people all the day on the message boards saying that they have no problem and are never hungry....honestly?? I can't be the only one on the margin yet if I use the posts as a gauge I am the abnormal one.

    Let's be honest here, eating healthy around 1200 cals/day is hard and most of the time I was on the margins and had to take the dog for an extra walk to be able to eat what I wanted for dinner. And as you can see I have been very successful at weight loss.

    To answer your question, my cheat days were usually a cheat MEAL instead and it was something delicious like ginger beef from my favourite Chinese place, pancakes with extra syrup and butter, or a bag of peanut m&m's at the movie theatre and it kicked me way over my calorie goal for the day. but it made scrimping for the rest of the week easier, I didn't feel I was depriving myself like I could have if my cheat was a chicken salad at a restaurant.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Let me preface this by saying that I am not calling anyone a liar (maybe not a good start lol but bear with me)

    I don't know how you can have a cheat day and stay under your calorie goal, which for women can be as low as 1200 calories? It has been months since I logged my meals (I became obsessive and I figured I needed to cut myself some slack and just try and be active and do it on my own) but I know that on regular day (non-cheat days) eating meals I made myself I struggled to stay under that amount of calories and I was usually at least a little hungry.

    Yet, I see people all the day on the message boards saying that they have no problem and are never hungry....honestly?? I can't be the only one on the margin yet if I use the posts as a gauge I am the abnormal one.

    Personally my calorie goal is 1640. It's more than easy for me to stay under this amount, whether I eat in or out.
  • my "cheat days" are thursdays (my weigh in day) IF i have lost. and my 'cheating" consists of ONE can of dr pepper that day. i dont drink dr pepper through out the week. just on my "cheating" day
  • do you struggle to stay under that on an average day? I probably would
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    do you struggle to stay under that on an average day? I probably would

    I'm not sure if you're talking to me? But the answer is no, I rarely ever go over and I don't find it hard to stay under 1640 at all. I know a lot of people are into snacking and/or eating several smaller meals over the course of the day. Personally I find it much easier and more fulfilling to eat 3 meals that fill me up instead of eating over the course of the day.

    It's easy enough to have a breakfast under 300, lunch between 400 and 500, and dinner between 500 and 600.

    So on a cheat day my dinner might be 700 - 800 calories instead. That still leaves me under.
  • i only cheat one day every week, and usually i'll only cheat for dinner and then i'll have whatever snacks i want before going to bed. i make sure to get a very good workout in the gym, and i don't worry about sticking to my calorie goals. even on days when i've cheated for both meals, and tripled my normal daily calorie intake, it hasn't messed with with my weight loss.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    OK, OK, I'll be the first. Today was my "cheat" day and I clocked in at just barely under 4,000 calories. Yep. 4,000 big ones. I ate when I felt the slightest twinge of hunger, ate what I wanted, etc. And as you might have guessed, I am feeling quite stuffed at the moment. HOWEVER...tomorrow's training run is 24 miles so I will burn somewhere around 2,700 calories, and to be honest I will probably take in about 3,000 tomorrow. Up until week before last I tried to stay within my calorie limits (2200-2500) 7 days a week, but when I "cheated" I had the best run EVER. So now I "cheat" before my long runs. Real problem will be reeling myself in when training is over! :sad:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    my cheats vary....tonight I was over 235 calories.....the only reason was because I didnt' exercize today at all, even a 30min walk would have fixed that, but I was too tired. No matter what though I wanted my 1 cup of chips and 6 twizzlers and so I did.

    I went to my cousins wedding 2 weeks ago and had whatever I wanted all night long as well as 15 alcoholic beverages, i'm sure it's safe to say I went quite a bit over in calories (I did lose 5lbs that week though....most ever in any 1 week since I started my weight loss!!)

    sometimes I'll have a cheat out camping but I make sure to work out hard before and after and it's never affected my weight loss.

    I just go with the flow, I figure I'm doing this for the rest of my life and I can't limit everything I do all the time and be reasonable. I try to save my really bad cheat days for super special occasions, weekly cheats to slightly over calories or exercize 10x harder to burn enough calories to "earn" my cheat.
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    My cheat days are on Sundays, the only day off I have with my husband. He has started the weight loss kick too, so we give this day to each other.

    I love beer, so that's the only day I drink it anymore. i have cut out drinking all together during the week, so by the time I get to Sunday, just a couple beers does the trick anyways. If I have more, Monday back at work is not pleasant. ;)

    When I first started this whole weight loss thing, I would go crazy over my calories on Sundays, but now that I eat a lot healthier, the fattier, greasier foods just aren't as appealing as they used to be. Don't get me wrong, I'll still eat something terribly bad for me if I want it on a Sunday, but I eat less of it now than I used to. I also usually don't want all of my Sunday eating to be unhealthy or fatty anymore. It's not worth feeling like crap the whole day or the next because of the bloaty, salt laden goodies.

    Oh yeah, and I don't have a problem sticking to my calories because I make sure I have a huge variety in my diet. It keeps me satisfied so I don't get hungry all the time.
  • We have a cheat meal every sunday night. 3 courses of whatever we want followed by whatever snacks we want. My personal daily intake goal is 2039 calories although I struggle to hit this. I find with cheating I actually don't fancy the unhealthy stuff so much so end up staying under my goal. My trainer urges me to cheat more but I'm not a sweet toothed person and in general like friut and veg a lot! xxx
  • You may not actually know it, but by having a cheat day where you go close to or just over your calorie intake on that one day per week, you are actually doing the 'zig-zag' method, which is where you stick to your BMR for 6 days then on your 'Zag' day you eat to your normal Calorie limit.

    What this does is keeps your metabolism ticking along, apparently :)

  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    don't calorie count on cheat days as to me that aint cheating.
    i eat, all can eat chinese, vaired all i can eat. Large greasy takeaway, kebab, pizza, chips etc.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Hmmm i've been known to have upto 4 or 5000 calories on my cheat days, so about 2000 over maintenance. I do workout hard on the morning of that day though and gain about 900 of those back before I even splurge. I feel like i deserve it after behaving for 2 weeks, so it's every two weeks that i will have a cheat / treat day.
  • I've only been on here 5 days but have done many a diet/healthy eating plan and I think I would do the same as someone else where I stick to my 1300 calories 6 days a week and go up to what would keep me at my current weight on 1 day per week. I have found it hard to stick to the calories but I'm trying hard so I have been under each day but usually only by a few calories!!!! I have been struggling with exercise too, don't know how people have the time to earn 900 or more calories!!!! LOL!!
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