Positive Encouragement!!!

ruizv17 Posts: 26 Member
Hello- Not new to this site but looking for encouraging people to add to my friend list. I am on here everyday and looking to lose 100+ pounds. Always like to read people's triumphs. Please add me!


  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    You and anyone else can feel free to add me! I've lost nearly 50lbs in the last year, it was hard but as long as you are persevering, you will make it to the light at the end of this tunnel! ^_^
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    hi, just sent you a FR. Happy to help if I can. take care and best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • ruizv17
    ruizv17 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks ladies- added you both.
  • xxfreakyrockxx
    xxfreakyrockxx Posts: 6 Member
    Im here for support and encouragement. You can do it! put your mind to it. I have to follow that advice too. Sometimes it's just so hard
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    Hi there! I've been on MFP for a year now. It's an awesome site that really helped with my goals! I'm 3/4 of the way to my ultimate goal and working on carrying myself through to the end right now. I'm 35, an artist, nurse and married mother of one teen and one toddler... I have my hands full with a rambunctious house of boys. I have a back injury so I have been working on PT for over a year. I'm living proof one day at a time with changes in your diet and some simple movement and motivation you can loose that weight. I've had luck changing my blood pressure, my thyroid, my pain levels, and my weight guidelines all for the better with yoga, PT and diet changes. (going from morbidly obese to barley overweight) I'm on all the time and am always up for a new friend! Please feel free to friend me! :flowerforyou: And good luck on the site!
  • babyscorpion
    Hi Everyone, this is my first post and my first day on my weight loss journey. My first goal is to loose 75 pounds, but ideally i would like to loose 100+ Today has been a little hard, but was able to stick to the calories i needed to. I did drank more water than i ever have. Hoping that will help me :) It is so nice seeing others going thru the same journey. And congrats to those of you that have seen some success already!