Hello!!!! I'm new here!

Hello all. My name is Autumn (aka fixie). I have yo-yo'd throughout my adult life and have tried just about everything from one extreme to the other: raw foodism to Nutrisystem; busy stay-at-home mom to triathlete to roller derby girl. I've tried working out for hours a day to tracking every step I take. Gained quite a bit when I stopped racing, bouting, and at the same time, enrolled and finished graduate school. Now I've finished school, changed jobs, and settled down a bit. My goal is trying to find a healthy pattern, daily practicing what I know works for my body, and making it a way of life, instead of a prolonged spring towards an end goal.

Am currently training for a half-marathon and also doing the 5:2 diet. I am a geek for data and activity trackers. Managed to break a fitbit, two nike fuelbands, and two Jawbone UPs (my favorite of all). Just got a BodyMedia since it synchs with my Wiithings scale, and it also synchs with my fitness pal and runkeeper, so trying both of those out. So far the data share is pretty cool!

At 190 now, hoping to get down to 140.


  • MsWallwoman
    Congratulations on starting on a healthy journey. Best of luck!
  • Jager82
    Jager82 Posts: 3
    Hi Autumn, my goal is to also find a healthy way of living that fits in with my life.
    Ive also just started my fitness journey on My Fitness Pal so feel free to add me as a friend. :)