How much to do on rest days?

Hi friends,

So I started doing C25K and lifts yesterday (Bench press, O.H.P, Deadlifts, Squats) and it was all oodles of exercising fun. My question is: My Dad wants to go the the gym today, but I don't want to overdo myself. I was thinking of doing a slow paced walk for 30 minutes and some gentle yoga and stretching. What do you all do on rest days? Also, do you think its detrimental to my routine if I do C25K and lifting on the same day? Finally, on workout days, should I do lifting or running first? My fitness goal is to be able to run 2 miles for steady state cardio twice a week and do 30/60 second HIIT with running/walking twice a week. I don't know my lifting fitness goals yet.

Also, I'm 5'7, 204 pounds, and mostly sedentary at home, but when I go back to school I'll be more active.


  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hi friends,

    So I started doing C25K and lifts yesterday (Bench press, O.H.P, Deadlifts, Squats) and it was all oodles of exercising fun. My question is: My Dad wants to go the the gym today, but I don't want to overdo myself. I was thinking of doing a slow paced walk for 30 minutes and some gentle yoga and stretching. What do you all do on rest days?

    That should be fine. 48 hours of rest between working the same body part is recommended. Since you are doing a full body routine, then 48 hours between lifting is good. I just play basketball on my rest days. Stopped cardio in general for now as I focus on lifting. My 47 yo body doesn't like heavy lifting 4x a week and cardio on top of that.

    Also, do you think its detrimental to my routine if I do C25K and lifting on the same day? Finally, on workout days, should I do lifting or running first?

    That should be fine. Do the lifts first. That way you can maximize the performance on the lifts and finish with the cardio.

    Enjoy the ride!

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Typically the days I do heavy lifting I don't do much cardio and on rest days I do my cardio (AKA, walking around). I mean if you're going to the gym with dad then just hop on the treadmill and chill walk but I wouldn't do more than that since you yesterday did running AND lifting.
  • Macko12
    Macko12 Posts: 2
    days you life do 10mins of cardio walking on incline for 200 cal. On days you dont life shoot for 600 cal in 30mins on treadmilll or other type of cardio equipment. You will not need to worry about losing weight if you do it this way. Not doing cardio the day after lifting is a myth. you should try to do cardio on an empty stomach if you can and on days you lift do your 200 cal cardio after lift.. but always remember warm up properly.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    You could do a stretching routine on your days off. Your cardio work will leave your leg muscles short and your lifting will shorten whatever it is you use.

    Stretching is important to reduce injury and to make your body feel 'right'. Youtube has a lot of really useful stretching routines and there are a lot of sites with clear pictures of good stretches.

    Static stretches will be absolutely fine initially. Don't feel pushed to do any compound or moving (ballistic) stretching until you have a really good feel for your body.

    Have fun!
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    Thanks for all the responses everyone. My plan is to do 30 mins on the treadmill, one inch incline, 2.7-3.0 mph, and some static stretching.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I alternate lifting days and my cardio training days. I train for races so I can't do my runs and lift on the same days...I have to split them up to maximize their effectiveness in achieving my goals. I have one official rest day per week and I don't do much outside of recreational type ride with the kiddos, a dip in the pool, etc. I really need that day for true recovery and then I also take a full week every 4-5 weeks or so where I keep things really mellow.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Your plan for today is fine. The light cardio will actually prevent/relieve some of the stiffness/soreness of a hard lifting day. Walking and yoga are pretty much always OK, assume you're not talking about hours and hours of walking.

    C25K is fine on lifting days or on alternate days, as long as it feels OK to you. I wouldn't do it immediately before lifting though....draining your energy stores right before lifting will give you an ineffective lifting session. Just make sure you have one or two rest days a week (which can include walking or yoga if you like).
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    Your plan for today is fine. The light cardio will actually prevent/relieve some of the stiffness/soreness of a hard lifting day. Walking and yoga are pretty much always OK, assume you're not talking about hours and hours of walking.

    C25K is fine on lifting days or on alternate days, as long as it feels OK to you. I wouldn't do it immediately before lifting though....draining your energy stores right before lifting will give you an ineffective lifting session. Just make sure you have one or two rest days a week (which can include walking or yoga if you like).

    Thanks, good info on not doing it right before lifting - that's what I did yesterday!