Exercise and weight loss for injured folk

I started my weight loss journey in April of 2010. I'm 5' 2.5" and weighed close to 180 lbs and decided when my daughter turned a year that I could no longer blame it on "baby weight". So I joined Weight Watchers and as a former avid anti-exercise person swore that I would do it with diet alone. Well on a whim, I started jogging, and then started running and before I knew it, ran 5K's, 8K's, 10 mile races and two half-marathons. The running really helped me drop the weight and I got down to 135lbs. A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my back after having a lot of back and hip pain. So running has been out for me. Occasionally I try to push it and go for a jog but always end up in more pain then it's worth. Injections and the like have done nothing for me so I am just where I am until eventually I'll probably need surgery.

So now I have creeped back up to 150lbs and am very unhappy about this. But I just don't know how to lose it AND keep my weight down without exercise. I have taken up Bikram Yoga, which I LOVE, and I do that 3-4x a week, but nothing quite burns calories like running did. Anything related to lifting or impact, I can't do because of my back. The last two days I have been doing Just Dance 4 with my kids and that has put a lot of pain in my back so that gives you an idea of how limited I am when it comes to any kind of exercise.

For my question!! Is/has anyone been in the same boat? What kind of exercise would you recommend? How can I lose weight? Any successes to share or tips would be wonderful! Thank you!


  • katbirdinpa
    I swim, I have a bad ankle so swimming is what I do
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Can you walk, cycle or swim? I'm a runner but have been injured and am actually working back towards my peak. There are plenty of other things you could do.
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm right there with you. I love to run! I just love it, but when I run.... my weight creeps up! For me, I give myself permission to eat more calories because I figure they will offset. It has not quite worked out that way for me.

    So I have slowed down. Instead of running, I am speed walking. When you make the switch, you will notice new muscles in your legs and bum that you didn't work when you were running.... and it will become just as deliciously addictive.

    When you run, you are burning a ton of calories, yes..... but you're not really using your reserves.... the fat you want to burn. Also, when it comes to losing weight, you must watch what you eat. There's no way around it. We've all heard stories of people who lost weight just increasing their activity and not really altering their diet. Those few are the exception and not the rule. Most of us will have to watch for both.

    So I said all of that to say this..... walking plus Bikram will get you to your goals. If you can add strength training a couple of days of week, maybe give up one Bikram for strength training, and that should do the trick. At least, that is what I am doing and so far.... so good :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Can you cycle?
    The sky is the limit for calorie burns and it's brilliant for CV health.

    I've got three badly damaged discs but can cycle for hours - check out hybrid bikes as they are much kinder on the back.
  • dkhuff1
    dkhuff1 Posts: 67 Member
    I've been there. Watch your calories. What About stand up paddle boarding? Can you do body weight exercises like lunges-- there are list of ways to lift weights and not load your back. Can you sn elliptical which s like running but lower impact. Time will improve it.
  • eclaireya
    eclaireya Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions- much appreciated. The biking I should really do and it's something I would enjoy too and it's good to hear someone else with a bad back is able to do that successfully with no pain. Swimming for me is a no go because I'm not a very strong swimmer.

    Thanks again!
  • steffij100
    steffij100 Posts: 85 Member
    I have been in exactly the same situation. After 5 years of back pain and trying just about everything including steroid injections, an epidural, osteopaths, physio etc etc I ended up having a discectomy for my herniated disc. The surgeon told me there was no guarantee, but I felt it was worth a go. Unfortunately, it had no effect, although I don't regret it, I would have tried anything by this point! However, I am now on Naproxen- an anti-inflammory, and it is helping tremendously. So much less pain than I used to get. Like you, I gave up running, and also tennis, and anything which was high impact. Prior to this medication, I found, as others have said, I could cycle. Now, I go to zumba, I stick with low impact machines in the gym such as the cross trainer, find Pilates very helpful- and this week, have even started incorporating some lifting into my routine.

    I'm not saying meds are for everyone, in fact I was very anti them, but I so wish they had been suggested before. It might be worth considering before you resort to surgery.

    I wish you luck with your back- mine really brought me to a low point earlier in the year, but I feel like a different person now :happy:
  • eclaireya
    eclaireya Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you so much steffitj100 for your response! I'm sorry you've had a terrible experience as well- back pain is so awful and so hard to explain the constant of it to people that don't suffer from it. I have sworn off the injections since my last one- the doctor gave me two (one on either side of my back) at once with no anesthesia or numbing- it was the most horrible experience and I ended up suffering from nerve flares for days because of it. The Bikram yoga is helping a lot, I have almost no pain during the day (unless I have to stand for long periods of time) but my nights are really painful as lying down seems to really aggravate it. I am definitely going to try the naproxen. Ibuprofen helps somewhat but I have not yet tried naproxen.

    Thanks so much again and I hope your back continues to heal as well!