30 day challenge

Hi peachy people,

I met with a personal trainer yesterday and we had a great workout! Who knew jumping jacks and running in place could be so hard. Because I'm beginning this lovely process he gave me a 30 day challenge which consists of 10 things that I should not be doing with the exception of one thing. So, I thought I would share them with you!

1. No restaurants
2. No alcohol
3. No fried foods
4. No sodas/pop
5. No sweets
6. No pork/beef
*try lean meat: chicken, turkey, fish
7. No dairy
* I refused to do this one with the exception of having my skim milk :)
8. No butter
9. No white food (rice, pasta)
*only whole grains
10. Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks!

That's it! It sounds and looks pretty easy, but for 30 days? Time will tell :)



  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    It will take a lot of planning, but it's totally possible.
  • luv4mart
    All that on top of counting calories. I was doing south beach diet but am trying calorie counting know. Good luck and thanks for the list.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    These were the foods that I was avoiding after I had my child (due to doctors orders) because I had Galstones and I ended up losing alot of weight this way, but after having surgery I started to eat these foods again and I gained most of the weight I had lost back, and thats why im here now lol.
  • blessd6
    i'm going to try it with you. :) the alcohol part with be hard on the weekends
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Sounds like an awesome challenge! The only part that I wouldn't be able to do is NO restaurants. I eat out at least 5 times a week. LOL!
  • sanddettling
    Very good advice. I did Dr. Oz 30-day and what a difference. I have slipped back into the late night eating and the sugar thing again. But i'll gave it a go with you.
    PHYYOU Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck cassie, I know you can do it. If you can find someone locally to do it with you and maybe even get more exercise such as going for a walk with a friend several times a week - outside of going to the gym it will be easier. Seems if I keep myself busy I don't miss the food as much.
  • jennifermpeck
    If you want to try another alturnative to white pasta try the Ronzoni Garden delights! It is so good and its made from vegatables. Each serving is one serving of vegi's which can help if your haveing a hard time incorporating them into your diet. That and it is really yummy! i don even like the taste of regular pasta anymore!

  • JulieC73
    I'm with you Cassie! If you're looking for good recipes check out Tosca Reno's books. Good luck!
  • inmyshoes
    Wow I don't think I could do that! Whenever I see the word "no" in front of a food item, I rebel.
  • cassiemo
    If you did it once, you can certainly do it again! good luck!