Day 1

Always the hardest day! Don't know where to start and want to make sure I don't screw up!!! I have 50 lbs to loose and being over 50 it seems to be one of the hardest tasks. But I have another birthday coming up on Christmas Day and I want to be closer to that goal, not further away... I walked 50 min this morning and loved it... So any advice to get me throught the first day would be great... Here I go... My husband is starting today as well...


  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome! Glad to have you on....this site WORKS if you use it! Good luck...if you'd like to friend me, I can always use and provide additional support!
  • Mangoose
    Plan plan plan plan plan!

    Plan your food, plan your exercise, and if possible, prepare your food in advance. When I'm off to work I make all my the night or the morning before I leave, then it's there sitting in front of me ready to go. I know what I have to eat and how much, and then it's easier to spread it over the day without feeling hungry, and the temptation to snack is much much lower.

    It gets easier every day!

    Best of luck!
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    This website and the people are really great, its awesome that your husband is starting with you, so you can give each other support. It also really helps to add friends because the people on here can be very supportive and try to keep up with your calorie intake. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend. :happy:
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    Welcome! Log EVERYTHING you eat! That's the key!
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    This is my first week and I also have 50 plus pounds to lose! My mom and are doing this together and motivating eachother and anyone else we can! I have found I am not to bad with the exercise but I struggle with staying under my calories. Logging my food really helps me visualize and stay focused! Good luck and friend me if you want to do this together!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Welcome! It really helps to have a spouse taking the journey with you. My husband and I started in January and I have lost 42 and he has hit 91. Add me as a friend if you'd like. This site is great and the support from people are amazing!