Feeling discouraged

Every month I hit a plateau. I may even gain a few pounds during that time but this month I have gain 10lbs!! Anyone else had that much of a gain during a plateau? I'm not giving up but it is very discouraging!!


  • StefanyH73
    Ok I guess I didn't realize a plateau would last longer than a month. Lol
    So I have times during each month usually right after my period that I am at a stand still. My goal is to lose 100lbs and I am halfway there. Or at least I was until I gain 10lbs back. I have considered water weight gain ... Any suggestions on getting passed this?
  • mbstevenson
    Hey feeling discouraged,
    I understand everything your saying and I feel the same way you do. I'm not sure what it is, but as soon as I lose 5lbs or more, I start to get "laxed" and slip into my old eating habits. I just want to seem to eat anything and everything. We know that everything has calories, even fruit. However, fruit has less calories than a bag of chips, candy bars or any other fattening thing we may consume. To get through this, I do have my one cheat day and then ill fill up on fruit and water. I stay of the scale, but go in and calculate the calories. I'm amazed that I have eaten so much food (mostly fruit) and still have calories left over, which I do not use. Also, focus on the fall coming up soon and how you want to feel in your clothes. Good luck to you....
  • RachelG2983
    I am just now back on to eating better and losing weight but I have run into that stand still before when trying to lose a significant amount of weight. It is frustrating. The smaller you are the more difficult it gets to lose weight and your body will start to adjust to your regular routine.

    Is there something you can change up (your exercise routine, the days you work out, your rest day or days)? Have you slacked on drinking enough water? Are you taking in too much sodium?

    I know personally I am very bad about getting too much salt in my diet. You start to feel like you've cut so much, what else can you do...also we work so hard it's hard to imagine we might have to kick it up a notch.

    Don't let it get you down. The best weight loss is slow - no matter how frustrating.

    I agree that it could be water weight especially after your period. Flush it out with more water (make sure it's not water with sodium/electrolytes unless you are about to workout).
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    I think "laxed" is a better way to put it than "plateau" - I guess I think "plateau" is non-changing...and if you're gaining, you're changing. Anyway, I too hit that laxed period - that time when I get discouraged and go on a period of bingeing. :-( Every day is a new day though. I try not to beat myself up when I slip. Keep on keepin' on.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,019 Member
    Totally normal to retain water before during and after your period. If you've recognized this as a pattern, then you should know not to get stressed out over it every month.

    Hormones, strenuous exercise, lack of hydration (not drinking enough water), excessive salt intake - all will affect water retention.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You are going to have periods from being around 16yo to 45yo so that is a lot of periods, Maybe 456 periods??

    So you have to get a grip on it?

    You will put water weight on, it goes with the territory, you will lose it again.

    Try not to blame your period for weight loss / gain.
  • StefanyH73
    Thanks for all your words of wisdom. It is appreciated. I will say I don't feel I've become laxed tho I am still staying within my calories and am still exercising. I do notice the pattern just never such a gain. That's the discouraging part! Lol
    I just keep telling myself it will pass but it helps to know others have experienced the same or similar set backs.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Totally normal to retain water before during and after your period. If you've recognized this as a pattern, then you should know not to get stressed out over it every month.

    Hormones, strenuous exercise, lack of hydration (not drinking enough water), excessive salt intake - all will affect water retention.


    If weight comes on overnight and then goes back down rule of thumb is that it's water retention.

    I weigh every day but I only log my weight once per month. It can fluctuate anywhere from 123 to 127 pounds. It used to fluctuate by a lot more but as I've gotten smaller the amount of water retention I experience has gone down too.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,290 Member
    Many of you mention water weight gain...and sodium. A few years ago, when I went on a sodium free diet I dropped weight so easily it amazed me. As i lose so slowly now... I always go back to thinking I need to go sodium free again. I think sodium in the American diet is an under researched topic.

    At that time, I made all my own sauces..condiments..and only ate the natural sodium in vegetables. I used a lot of lime, vinegars, spices and herbs.. to add taste to my food. I'm stronly thinking of embracing that again and just get the weight off for the last time.

    It is just a thought that might help someone stuck get moving again.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I went sodium free in my diet and at FIRST it did drop a lot of weight. But that being said, I did adjust. I will say that you will taste things differently when you go sodium free. I tried to "sneak" a Mc D's burger a couple of months ago and I couldn't get half of it down before I was gagging!!.. THE SALT AND THE GREASE!!!! eewwwwwwwwww I can't believe I ever thought they were an edible item!! HOWEVER---eggs need salt....They are just too gross to eat plain!!