looking for turbo fire friends


I am based in the UK and I am waiting on my turbo fire delivery - should be here this week and I am so looking forward to starting it

I am looking for friends following turbo fire or any other beach body exercise for support and advice

I am desperately awaiting for the release of les mills body combat in the uk :-)


  • acusack17
    acusack17 Posts: 3
    You will love it! Body combat is amazing too! Best of luck and here for support :)
  • kaylacroswhite
    kaylacroswhite Posts: 19 Member
    I just started Turbo fire yesterday! I would love to be your TF buddy! (:
  • ddkiniry
    ddkiniry Posts: 26 Member
    I am taking Body Combat at 24 HR and i love it. I started with Turbo Jam back in 2006 (was obsessed with it, lost 30+LBS), then i started the Chaylene Extreme (didn't love it...), and then moved to Turbo Fire (WHICH IS THE BEST). But, i live in an upper apt so i feel so bad jumping so much at night when i get home...Now i do BODYCOMBAT at 24 hr Fitness and its not as hard as Turbo Fire but it is fun!
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    I love TurboFire! Add me. :)
  • Hi,

    I was just about to post something similar. Just received my tf last week and have completed my first week which was hardcore!
  • PS I live in Scotland.
  • zionkymani2
    zionkymani2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi,nearly finishing my week 4. Does anyone find that their knees are hurting? A if so what are you guys doing about it?

    I really love my turbofire. I just suspended my gym membership for the time of the turbofire programme.

    LOVE IT!!!!