Any bloggers out there?

I just started a new blog about my low carb/keto diet.. I don't have many friends that are the type to read it.. and wanted to know if anyone else wrote one, or wanted to follow along with mine?

mine is :)


  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    I just started a new blog about my low carb/keto diet.. I don't have many friends that are the type to read it.. and wanted to know if anyone else wrote one, or wanted to follow along with mine?

    mine is :)

    i also blog my progress on a regular basis; i also post a weekly series called `motivation mondays`.

    if you want more readers, you have to be active with your blog and your readers; look for similar blogs or blogs that interest you and interact with the author. this means leaving comments, responding to your comments REGULARLY, not a one-time thing where you only comment once and then never again. and bloggers hate the `follow me and i`ll follow you comment`. just continue to engage the author and you`ll get responses and dedicated readers for your blog. you`d be surprised at how many amazing connections you can make with like-minded bloggers who only want to connect with others who share the same interest.
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    Checking your blog out now :). I have a food diary blog - - as well as a training blog -!

  • I havent tried blogspot yet but I do have blog please check it out. If i get enough people interested i will a page special page on my website for my fellow weight loss bloggers.
  • kznovo
    kznovo Posts: 16 Member

    I'm checking out all the other ones now.
  • Hey all! I can't wait to check out all your blogs!

    I'm blogging about my life as a soon-to-be medical student while on my journey to get fit and lose weight.
  • Hey! I have a blog about trying to lead a healthier lifestyle (eating healthier & working out):
  • McWooey
    McWooey Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I'm a new blogger and would love for you guys to subscribe, I'll do the same!!

    I am just blogging about general daily stuff, but will have fitness topics, recipes etc on there too!

    my blog is
  • haylsquish
    haylsquish Posts: 19 Member
    Hey guys,
    I've also started my own blogger to document my weight loss journey and all the hurdles that are put in my way, I'd love for you to take a look/subscribe