Hello there!

This is a bit of an introduction and a complaint session. After all, I'm NOT the happy go lucky person. :laugh:
I've only really been at this for 2 weeks. :blushing:

I went through a major diet change years ago when I was diagnosed as a diabetic. It felt good to eat right and loose weight, but eventually I fell off the wagon. I've been on and off since then. I have actually lost some weight before this, due to the diabetes and not eating right (who knew that having high blood sugar would make you lose weight?). That's how I discovered I was diabetic.

I guess the thing is... I am not much of a cook. I get bored easily with my food choices because of this. I live in a household where there are 6 people (2 different families, really). The cook cooks for everyone... everyone but me. (I'm not bashing him, just saying) When I can, I eat whats being made, but I have a hard time with portion control, so when I eat, I try and eat stuff I can eat more of.

I have been doing the 300 calorie meal X times a day thing for the past few days, and its a little easier to deal with because I'm not hungry as much. But... boredom is a big factor, as is budget. I don't care for the prepackaged meals as they are barely filling for me.

I don't want to fall off the wagon again, and I'm not! I quit smoking recently, too, and except for one day with my sis on vacation about 2 weeks ago, I've stuck with it. (I don't count that day as starting over, because its more motivating to me to see that I've been that long and NOT started back) I've also started riding the recumbent bike an hour or more a day, and some resistance exercises.

Not sure where I'm going with this, but I wanted to put it out there. Thanks for reading!



  • Beebee78
    Sorry to hear that you are not having a great time with the people around you. You will find so much support here.

  • LeighAyenashi
    LeighAyenashi Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the support! I just wanted to say, this really isn't about whether or not my "family" supports me, but more about MY motivation or lack thereof. In any case, support is always appreciated!