I'm new & need all the motivation

Hello everyone. My name is Christina, I am 33 years old and need the motivation to have a healthier lifestyle. I know what I need / should do, but I don't make the time. I'm ready for some positive changes in my life.


  • lucyridge
    Hello! My name is Judy! I'm new and definitely need all the help and motivation I can get! I want to be healthy and feel good about myself!
  • luv4mart
    Hi Christina and Judy, welcome to MFP. I've been here for about 2 weeks, I'm really loving this website!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    This is the place you need to be. I'm not a keeping a diary person, so it's been great to get on the computer and log in what I've eaten and let MFP tell me how many more calories I have left to eat for the day. And, the members are so motivating. Congratulations on signing up. Please feel free to request me as a friend.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi! I've been here for a few months and love this site!!! It's so easy to use and I love my new friends, I get so much support!!!
    The hardest thing for me was to start tracking my food but now that I've gotten into the habit I feel bad if I don't track. Plus, if I don't track my food it's easy to go way over on calories!!
    Welcome to MFP!!!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Welcome newbies. I've been here months and have learned so much from just recording what I eat & exercise. The support is very generous. I am here for the long haul so feel free to send me a friend request if you want a buddy on this journey. There are so many tools you can use here. I have the itouch program to record food when I am away from home. I also like to blog. My thoughts ramble so I keep my blog private. BUt there are brave souls that have opened their blogs so that others can learn from them. The community is awsome, if you are having a bad day or have a question just post the topic.
    Good to have you on board.
  • danmullen
    Welcome! I've been using MFP for 2 and a half weeks and am actually enjoying my new healthy lifestyle! The support from other members really helps :)

    Good luck!

    Dan x
  • fatdogfour
    Hi fellow MFPers,

    I love this site. I just finished my first week and can't wait for week 2's results! Looking forward to staying connected and motivated. Good luck to you all! :happy:

  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    this website has been the best thing for me. i was amazed at how many calories i would consume. i really was an overeater, but blamed it on the oversized portions, but had no discipline in my nasty lil body! mfp has helped me overcome this! WELCOME!
  • ChantelleSlight
    Hi, I am Chantelle and I have a 3 year old that I want to be here for. I too have a real problem with overeating, any help would be greatly appreciated