gym routine..please help

So mostly i workout at home day weights and one day cardio..and i am going good ...but here is the problem ,one of my close friend she needs my support ...she wants me to go to the gym with her ,now i really like to help her but while at gym ,i got all confused about weight routine..i do elliptical, treadmill but weights if any of u experienced people can give me some some routine so that i can go on with my journey without messing it up while supporting my friend...also its an apartment gym so we don't have barbells there...


  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
  • angelwings0110
    angelwings0110 Posts: 45 Member
    I use dumbell weights. So if the gym has them, and you have a smart phone, Jefit is a great app that gives you suggested workouts. You can use the workouts they have preset or you can make your own. I have used it a few weeks and love it. Hope this helps
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    thanks..i will look in ...
  • fish1552
    fish1552 Posts: 7 Member
    You could also look up dumbbell workouts for Crossfit. Since Crossfit is real big right now, you will see lots of videos all over of both men & women doing the exercises in case you don't know them. And most of the exercises that use kettle balls could be modified to use dumbbell with some caution to as not to drop them on your head.
    Hell, just doing lunges with the dumbbells above your head, step forward keeping the rear foot in place and slowly lower the rear knee until it barely or almost touches the floor. Then stand back up. Step forward with that foot and repeat with the other leg. That is one repetition. Great on the legs & butt. Then you have the typical dumbbell press, flys, curls, incline press, etc. It's really all about what muscle groups she is wanting to work.

    It is best to have a plan when hitting the gym. This prevents wasting time between sets and allowing the body to cool down too much and not getting much gain from the fat burning process and helping define those muscles. Plan out the workout and have her hang it on the wall so you can go from one to the next with short breaks barely long enough for water and it will give you a cardio workout while doing weights. That is the concept of Crossfit & the Insanity workouts. Shorter, more intense workouts.

    Here are some good Crossfit Dumbbell videos:
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You could also look up dumbbell workouts for Crossfit. Since Crossfit is real big right now, you will see lots of videos all over of both men & women doing the exercises in case you don't know them. And most of the exercises that use kettle balls could be modified to use dumbbell with some caution to as not to drop them on your head.
    Hell, just doing lunges with the dumbbells above your head, step forward keeping the rear foot in place and slowly lower the rear knee until it barely or almost touches the floor. Then stand back up. Step forward with that foot and repeat with the other leg. That is one repetition. Great on the legs & butt. Then you have the typical dumbbell press, flys, curls, incline press, etc. It's really all about what muscle groups she is wanting to work.

    It is best to have a plan when hitting the gym. This prevents wasting time between sets and allowing the body to cool down too much and not getting much gain from the fat burning process and helping define those muscles. Plan out the workout and have her hang it on the wall so you can go from one to the next with short breaks barely long enough for water and it will give you a cardio workout while doing weights. That is the concept of Crossfit & the Insanity workouts. Shorter, more intense workouts.

    Here are some good Crossfit Dumbbell videos:

    First off I'd like to say that I have nothing against crossfit. That being said, please do not do crossfit workouts in a standard gym. Crossfit gyms are ideal for crossfit workouts because they are big and open, but doing crossfit workouts in a standard gym gets in a lot of people's way and you're not going to make friends. Every time somebody does a crossfit workout while I'm at the gym, I cannot stand it.

    I think you're best off doing a full body strength training routine using compound lifts: Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Pull ups(assisted), bent over rows, squats/leg press.
  • capapie
    capapie Posts: 1
    Hi there, If your'e not too au fait with the gym keep it simple. Warm up on the bike or spinning bike if they have one for 10-15 mins. You will warm up your whole body and you can recognise what a bike looks like ! It will give you some time to look around the gym and see what other people are doing. If you don't like running on the treadmill walk on it briskly for 10-15 mins and add an incline so that you feel you are walking up a small hill. The incline will help to burn more calories without you having to run. Once you have reached 20 mins warm up you will now begin to burn some calories. The rowing machine is good too for warm up and the cross trainer but get a gym instructor to show you how to use. I like to use a few simple gym apparatus: for general toning- kneel down twister with weights where you twist from side to side and this tones your abs. Pull down bar with weights for toning chest muscles and back. I don't overdo the weights though and spend about 20 mins in this area. Hope this helps.
  • Tricepticon
    If it is your first time lifting weights I would STRONGLY recommend having a personal trainer walk you through most of the common lifts and/or machines. Most gyms will do this for free. It is very easy to hurt yourself if you do not know what you are doing. Having said that, once you get your basic lifts down, I would recommend starting strength by Jim Weider. Its a routine that focuses on building basic muscle strength so you can have a solid foundation to work with. After a couple months you can then switch to something that is more inline with your goals. While I do not have anything against crossfit, I personally feel it incorporates too many technique exercises (snatches, deads, cleans, etc) and requires close attention to form and technique by someone who knows what they are looking at. In other words; I do not feel it is for beginners. I am sure people will disagree with that, but its my opinion. I really want to emphasize that I am not trying to scare you or anything like that. I am a firm believer in the benefits of strength training, but it really is something that you can hurt yourself doing.
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    thanks for reply everyone..i am not a beginner to exercise or weights ..its just i have always done these things at home using workout dvds here after some research i am planning to do and please correct me /advice something new ....
    M/W/F-treadmill for 15 -20 min(UPPER BODY)
    overhead press
    bench press
    dumbell row backs
    tricep kickbacks
    and one more for arms (forget the name)...10 reps/3 set
    then again elliptical for 10 minutes

    T/TH/SAT(lower body)
    alternate lunges
    sumo squats
    cardio routine same...

    So please ..i welcome everyone's input ...
  • PammyGift
    PammyGift Posts: 24 Member
    I'm not quite sure exactly what your asking for. A routine like which muscle groups and which exercises for each day? Or new exercises all together. Are you helping your friend with finding a program that will work for them?
    If you used dvd's and such before. Go through which exercises you did then try to find the machine that simulates that motion.

    The schedule you have posted, is that what your doing on those days or are you asking if that's ok or if you should be doing something else.
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    my main objective is fat loss...So the routine i have posted is assuming that along with cardio i will work upper body and lower body every other day...and yes i am asking if this is right for some one looking to tone up while losing fat or should i add something more...