Injury :(

fuelrhiseb Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Just went to the physio because my back has been killing me, seems that I have done something to the disk in my lower back... and I have just started a 12 week challenge at my gym to try and lose weight and become healthy.. why does it have to happen now...?


  • amyjo519
    amyjo519 Posts: 72 Member
    Injuries are very discouraging and always happen at the worse time. It sounds painful. Remember taking time to heal is important too. Maybe some water exercises will help take the strain off your back.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Oh no! I'm sorry! Maybe you could sue the gym now, if you got injured there. lol No but seriously, that sucks! I wish I could help you. there's gotta be something that you can do to still lose weight.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    This can and has happened to me at any moment. You need a lot of inner strength to get through the recovery period. When I started here I was just starting my 2 months of back injury rehab. When I couldn't move, I focussed on learning about nutrition. I used my time to answer questions in the community and encourage who I could. I changed my goals to calories and to get the most nutrient rich food into me as I could. I used the time to plan what I would do when I was better and I blogged about the reasons I wanted to get better. You can't help but get frusterated, just don't waste too many days on this. Try to find the positive in the situation. I am truely sorry for your change of circumstances. Best wishes on your recovery.
  • I was in your same situation. For the last two months I had been dealing with really bad low back pain and finally got an MRI - it showed a bulging disk. My trainer has delt with this and had me doing a certain exercise and my pain went away - but I still see a chiropractor and start physical therapy next week. It is a relief to not be in pain anymore - but I still have to take it easy and very slowly introduce harder stuff to my workouts - but going slow with no pain is a lot better than the dealing with the pain.

    I would say first get an MRI if you haven't had one - in those two months I was worked on with no one knowing what was really going on. You can still lose weight - make sure your diet is really good and ask what kind of strength stuff you can do. (this happened to me when I was in a challenge at my gym as well) Keep your head up! I'm sure you'll still do great!
  • FYI - I was told not to do a lot of lower body strength exercises - so last week I took an aqua aerobics class at the gym in hopes that it would be something I could do - it gave me a good low body workout but it aggravated my back too - so I would be careful and ask your doctors about what to do if you get in a pool.
  • yeah my trainer talked to my physio and said that i had a bulging disk i dont know much about it.. i want to work out but im afraid im going to do more damage... my trainers going to focus on using my stomache muscles instead of putting all this tension on my back which is what im doing...
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Work with the physical therapist first! Let the therapist do an assesment and treatment plan. I respect trainers and the knowledge they hold, but most times they are not the best ones to work on this type of injury. The physical therapist is! The therapist can work out a plan for you that the trainer can supervise. For now just rest and do some walking. Let your body recover. I have 2 bulging discs, one of them is perforated. Ask about yoga and using resistance bands.

    Good Luck!
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