the last 2 kilos won't shift

I have been stuck for the last 4 weeks at the same weight. I exercise nearly every day for a good hour sometimes more, walking, cross trainer or combat class. My setting is for 1300 calories a day. I usually use up some of my exercise calories but some days not all of them. Any suggestions to help me shift these last 2 kilos would be good x


  • Hughesers
    Hughesers Posts: 22 Member
    what is the best way to shift these last 2 kilos !!!!
  • bfly67
    bfly67 Posts: 2
    My worst week(s) were when I did repetitive exercises, instead of my usual varied program. You don't mention how much calories you burn exercising, but my guideline is to not compensate (/eat) the calories I burn unless I get under ~1300. But I'm a guy, so for gals that may be a little less.

    If you dip too low, your body may go into "energy saving" mode (ie. starvation mode) and try to hold on to as much reserves as possible. The way to break that is to ease up for a while (2-4 weeks, unfortunately).

    My advice would be to:
    a) Make sure you don't dip under net ~1200 (don't know the exact female 'safe' value, may be a little lower)
    b) Vary your exercises in duration and effort
    c) Plan and take 'rest' days for the next 2 weeks; exercise 3-4 times max
    You don't have to glue yourself to the couch on rest days; go for a walk or bike ride, etc.
    d) Mind your balance of carbs/fat/proteine; I go for about 50/25/25 but that may be a little different for women also.


    P.S. I saw you mentioned being hungry in previous posts. That is also a sign that you're not getting enough energy. Reducing carbs seems like a good idea, and it is, but instead look at increasing your protein and dietary fiber (esp. soluble). Especially when exercising your body needs carbs. Increasing protein will decrease hunger feelings as well.

    Soluble fiber will also do that and is generally a good thing for you.

    An easy source of both protein and fiber are chia seeds. You can mix a desert spoonful of them with yogurt+fruit for a good desert and add them to breakfast spread.
  • Noiram55
    Noiram55 Posts: 43
    This may not be relevant to you. and I know lots of folks on here dont agree with reducing carbs, but it is the only thing which worked for me. Good luck with losing the final 2 kilos. :smile:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat more! you dont need such a large deficit when you only have a little to lose... set MFP to lose 0.5lbs per week and eat back exercise cals.