Just joined

Looking for support and assistance. I have a lot of weight to move 80 pounds + I'm on the journey now, raising my glass, of water!
Look forward to getting to know you :)


  • Besmum
    Besmum Posts: 3
    Hi, I joined yesterday and immediately went over my calorie allowance by 150, not a good start eh. So here I sit with my mug of green tea flavoured with peach, which I must say I do really like, and know that I am only using up 1 calorie. Walked the dog for 35 minutes, which gives me an extra 160 calories today as well!

    Only problem is, I am constantly hungry and think of food all the time. When I wake up my first thought is what I can have for breakfast and that continues throughout the day!

    All I can say, is good luck and let's hope with time it gets easier!!!
  • ButterflyDame
    ButterflyDame Posts: 111 Member
    :) it's pm here so starting that tomorrow. Looking forward to it!
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    Welcome aboard....you just have to learn to take one day at a time and do not beat yourself up over those overages...just start the new day with "I am going to make it today" Once you get in the routine of logging it kind of becomes second nature. You also start to see what some of the bad choices really look like in hard numbers and that helps alot when it comes to making better choices. I also have a long way to go but I take it one day and one pound at a time :drinker:
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Only problem is, I am constantly hungry and think of food all the time. When I wake up my first thought is what I can have for breakfast and that continues throughout the day!

    That is unfortunate. I've lost weight twice over the years and the first time was like this. It is a miserable existence and I don't recommend it. You CAN find a way of eating that will keep you from being hungry all of the time. If you want to friend me ill try to help.

    Best of luck - I encourage you to look beyond starvation as a way to lose weight.