The partying demon.

Hello! I'm 22 year-old student and I am in a sticky sitch with the whole incorporating-alcohol-into-my-diet situation. I am gluten free, dairy free (apart from a wedge of feta from time to time) and I do my best to steer clear of processed stuff. The problem is, I love to go out in the weekend with my friends. Drinking is such a huge part of New Zealand's culture and I don't want to give it up. How do I deal with this? I know it's bad for me and blah blah blah, but socialising and partying is just part of my current lifestyle and probably will be until I'm older and settled down. How do I tackle this?? I know it's a blatant contradiction of the healthy life I'm trying to lead, but I feel like i have so many restrictions already. Do I save calories for a bottle of cider or is that making things worse? Any takers?


  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I'm probably the last person to tell someone that alcohol on a diet is evil... what I will tell you is that controlled/low carb diets are notorious for turning people into lightweights so be aware that it may take less for you to get drunk than it would otherwise.
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    The biggest problem I've ran into is that mixed drinks are hard to keep low cal. I am not a party-er at all in anyway shape or form but I do go to 1 or 2 parties a summer and out to eat occasionally. I would say that you don't have to give it up if that is what you desire but you can tweek things. Such as instead of having a mixed drink, have alcohol on the rocks or shots it will still be calories but far far less than when you mix it with fruit juice or soda. At the very least if you are gonna have soda have diet soda but just one or two. I also drink Angry Orchard which is a good hard cider, but has alot of calories so I just have 1 or 2 and exercise like a maniac the day I know I'll be drinking.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    The biggest problem I've ran into is that mixed drinks are hard to keep low cal. I am not a party-er at all in anyway shape or form but I do go to 1 or 2 parties a summer and out to eat occasionally. I would say that you don't have to give it up if that is what you desire but you can tweek things. Such as instead of having a mixed drink, have alcohol on the rocks or shots it will still be calories but far far less than when you mix it with fruit juice or soda. At the very least if you are gonna have soda have diet soda but just one or two. I also drink Angry Orchard which is a good hard cider, but has alot of calories so I just have 1 or 2 and exercise like a maniac the day I know I'll be drinking.

    Gin and tonic and whiskey soda are both low cal and deeelish.
  • princesswarrior1116
    princesswarrior1116 Posts: 58 Member
    This will probably sound lame, but when I am out with friends who are drinking, I discretely order a club soda with lime. If anyone asks what I'm drinking, I just tell them it's a gin and tonic (my fave) and it's no big deal. I think it's fine to drink while you're dieting as long as you don't get drunk. It's hard to control the urge to eat when you're drinking, if everyone else is eating crap.

    Drinking actually gives me migraines now that I'm older, but I would say that one weekend night of a couple of drinks won't hurt you at all. You know what they say, everything in moderation. Just take the other poster's advice above and keep it to a low calorie mixer, like club soda or diet soda.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Maybe try not restricting so much, so you don't have to label the alcohol as a demon?

    ETA: and maybe from not restricting so much, other things will not get labeled as a demon either.
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    I love beer!! That being said, I just mix in a couple of cups of water in whenever I'm out drinking with the guys.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    This will probably sound lame, but when I am out with friends who are drinking, I discretely order a club soda with lime. If anyone asks what I'm drinking, I just tell them it's a gin and tonic (my fave) and it's no big deal. I think it's fine to drink while you're dieting as long as you don't get drunk. It's hard to control the urge to eat when you're drinking, if everyone else is eating crap.

    Ordering soda instead of alcohol and then pretending its alcohol.

    Yes, this sounds lame....really lame.
  • twenty20tunnelvision
    I'm probably the last person to tell someone that alcohol on a diet is evil... what I will tell you is that controlled/low carb diets are notorious for turning people into lightweights so be aware that it may take less for you to get drunk than it would otherwise.

    TRUTH... Do not take this advise lightly. I've blacked out a few times because I thought I could drink like always have. Not the case... Luckily for me I always drink at home so it has never been a huge issue. Just make sure you pace yourself. :)
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Walk outside and get drunk on that amazing scenery you have all around.
    So to actually answer your question if you have to drink then save the calories for when you drink. I like others suggestion to fake it when you don't have the calories. If it is a weekly occurance you could also exercise a bit more throughout the week to account for the calories. If its a nightly occurance I would think faking it might be your best bet.
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    I drink a bottle of wine every weekend and I've still lost weight and fat. I just follow a few rules. I plan what I'm going to drink and fit that into my calorie count. If I end up drinking the whole bottle in one night, I'll just buy another for the next day, so it's important for me to make it last. I try to stay away from mixers like sweet and sour mix and grenadine. Plus all they do are add the calories and take away from the amount of alcohol I add. Suggestions of gin and tonics are great. I also try not to get too drunk. I get a serious case of drunken munchies and it's near impossible for me to stay away from snacks once I've had too much. If this is a problem for you, know your limit. I try to get buzzed and that's about it.

    It may not sound fun for some but I spent college hard-partying and I gained 30 pounds despite all the vomiting lol.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Save calories for booze. Enjoy yourself, but don't drink all of your calories in booze. Find lower calorie alternatives to the things you drink now, too.
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    I try to save up some calories for a night out, choose lower calorie drinks like gin and tonic/white wine (thankfully I enjoy these drinks, no point in drinking low cal drinks if you don't enjoy them) get myself a diet coke or something partway through the night to slow down, and try not to get too drunk, because that's when the urge to EAT EVERYTHING arises!
  • georgieb23
    georgieb23 Posts: 76 Member
    I drink straight vodka and therefore bypass all the sugary mixers that can be your downfall. But I did that before I was dieting anyway, I just like vodka :happy:

    IMO a healthy lifestyle is a balanced one. Go out and drink if you want to drink, staying inside and being miserable is no fun! Just watch what you take in for the rest of the week.

    Also, if you're out and drinking get some cardio in and dance your *kitten* off! Surely that'll make someeeee difference? (She says hopefully!)
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Campari soda with a twist of orange or lemon. Heavily dilute campari! Do not follow recipe. Use 1 oz or less per glass of soda water.

    When at bar, stick to light beer or wine. If you can stomach wine spritzers, stick with that. I personally refuse to dilute my wine. No problem diluting campari though cause of the strong taste.

    Eta: most likely others won't want your campari either, so you won't have to share. :-)
  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    Find a decent light beer if you're a beer drinker. They're hard to find, but not impossible (at least in Canada)
  • princesswarrior1116
    princesswarrior1116 Posts: 58 Member
    Options have nothing helpful to add, only criticism of someone else's idea. That is truly lame.
  • JustSammi
    You don't have to give up drinking. I haven't, I still go out and get drunk with my friends every weekend. You'll get people telling you that it isn't healthy but most things people do aren't healthy (that's why we're all here in the first place :tongue:), we're young, we want to have fun! Just don't be stupid about it.

    The way I do it is pick low-cal drinks like vodka, soda and lime or whisky and diet coke, I save extra calories in the week for my drinks at the weekend and I try not to eat anything really bad when I'm drunk/hungover. I've managed to lose 30 lbs so it's not impossible at all.

    The worst affect of alcohol when losing weight is the choices of food we make under the influence, control that and you'll be fine.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Find a way to work the calories in. I love to drink!
  • Bigmac4209
    Wow, thanks guys!! I will totally take all your tips on board. I agree with the fact that when I am hungover I make terrible food choices - so I know I have to be wary of that!

    I managed to have vege crisps the other night when I was out with my friends, however they all gave me werid looks as they were munching back their cheeseburgers. I just have to keep making choices like that and not let the sweet smell of fast food get to me!

    But I will save up calories during the week, work a little harder at the gym and fake it till I make it if I don't have calories to spare.