How many times can a person start over??



  • MsKari02
    MsKari02 Posts: 19 Member
    Don't give up. You can do this. I know how hard it is but it's a process. Usually a slow process but non the less a process. You have to stop and think that you didn't gain it over night so you aren't going to lose it over night. Please don't give up. I have 50 more to go and I will be at my goal and it seems like a non obtainable goal but I'm not giving up. It's slow going but it is going in a forward direction. One pound at a time is all you can do,. I found I wasn't eating enough and stalled, so had to step up my eating a little.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I start over every day..The past is gone

    ^^THIS^^. It's not insurmountable if you take it one day at a time. Also, see if you can get your Doctor to recommend someone to do a body composition analysis for you. That literally changed my life and gave me realistic, attainable goals!

    Good luck!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I do everyday of my life, have been since I was a kiddo. And for some reason, I still fight through because of my experiences in life. Don't give up, just keep on fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KhalilahSS
    KhalilahSS Posts: 19 Member
    thats true- in my mind I was like 100lbs in 1 year 10lbs a month- was so caught up in large numbers that when I didnt see results quickly- I gave up- pushing goal farther away
  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    I like the way you spelled that out..being in the right frame of mind...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    You are not in a race. Whatever type of "starting over" we need to do in life, in our case weight loss, we are more like voyagers on a journey. You wouldn't start over at the beginning if you were traveling down a road, or running a race. You merely, got distracted, took another path, maybe had to stop and rest and take care of yourself in other ways. When you are ready, you put your shoes back on and continue on your journey. Don't start over, just continue on your path! If you look around, you will see so many of us continuing along side of you! Good luck on your journey! PS there is no finish line or ultimate destination. I think when we have reached one goal, we will simply take another road and work towards a new goal.
  • unicornrainbow3
    Hi....I am also starting over, I have times when I have to start over every Monday, you know the old saying "I'll start and stay on my diet Mon"... well Mon either doesn't come or I'm great and raring to go on Mon. morning but by wed. I'm done i cheat or don't workout so that gives me permission to of course do what i want for the rest of the week until MONDAY LOL.....I have recently loss my job so the stress and depression of that knocked me right into the arms of my lover CARBS and ALCOHOL....but something clicked yesterday I was walking the dogs and suddenly I decided to take the long way around, this morning i got up and shampooed my carpets and put a healthy menu together for the hour at a time my day is going pretty good...I believe my turning point came when I had to go back out into the world and put in apps and go to interviews I'm 5"7 and 268LBS, I have to remember to treat myself as I would treat a friend going thru the same thing.