What should my goal weight be- 5ft6.5 Female

I've just read a post about someone who said they were called fat at 140lb at 5ft6... which was originally my goal weight. Other posters on the forum also described her as 'overweight'.
I have a friend who weights over 14lb less than me and is 5'7 and I think she looks great too... but I don't know what I should be aiming for and what is realistic for me.
This is me currently...I think tbh after seeing the comments I'm just concerned because I thought I was doing ok but now I feel like maybe I was heavier originally than I thought. :|
This is me now:
and my measurements are 35",25",35" and my clothes range from an 8-12 (UK size)
Any advice?


  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 140lbs.

    In high school I was 140lbs and I wore a size 9 pants (US sizes).

    I'm now back down to 140lbs (started at 160~ish after college) and I'm in a size 4 to 6 pants.

    It all depends on body composition. I lift 4-5 days a week now- I have more muscle mass compared to when I was 140 in high school.

    I'm comfortable in the 135-140lb range, with strict diet & lifting. I fluctuate depending on whether I'm trying to build muscle or cut fat.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I don't know how to post images, so here is the link to a chart that can help you.


    Aha! I did it. OK, so here is the link to the DRS Health, Inc. website as well:
  • whatsername2312
    whatsername2312 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5 7 an currently working to 150lbs, I would love to be your weight. However, if you are looking to 'tone up', you needn't worry about losing weight necessarily but losing body fat instead. That's by lifting heavy weights and eating protein. Look up 'In place of a Road Map' to find out how many calories you can be eating, and try Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting For Women as beginner programmes. If you are worried about being bulky, just browse the forums and you will find LOADS of posts showing that doesn't happen to women. I love those topics they are amazing motivation.
  • Cynnie20012
    Cynnie20012 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey, we seem to be comparable! I am same height and currently weigh 138 lbs.
    It depends on how you feel good, at what weight. I used to be 127 and feel at my best, lets say optimal around 127-130.
    if you were much heavier and lost weight to 140 lbs its a huge accomplishment. From the pic you look already very good. Perhaps loosing some 5 lbs would be your ultimate goal? I would go for between 132-138 lbs if you say you already feel good. Don't look at others just listen to yourself. I must admit that i prefer the skinny version of myself, just because i feel better when U see 59 kg than 60 kg on the scale, call it mental, perhaps it is. That's why i recommend not comparing yourself with anyone!
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Every person is going to look and feel differently at different weights. I'm 5ft, 6in and currently weight 122lbs. Just pick a goal that you feel comfortable with and then reassess when you get there :)