Weird shaped body

Im just starting my attempt at weightloss, which (apart from watching my food) will involve mostly Just Dance on the wii. Anyway, that aside, I need some advice.

You know above your collar bone on either side of your neck, you have like those indented triangles? Well mine generally stick out rather than dip in. If I pull my shoulders back, they are even more pronounces and make my silhouette look really weird.

Does anyone know what this is? Im 180lb and 5'4". If I lose weight, could they go? Anyone else know the bits Im talking about and able to advise me if theyre only like it because im carrying excess weight? I dont mind if I can exercise them away, but Im slightly concerned exercising round my shoulders too much might develop the muscle and make them even bigger.

Any advice?


  • michaelmadonna
    michaelmadonna Posts: 105 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce any part of your body, I'm not exactly sure what part you're talking about, maybe if you posted a pic it might help.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Yeah..going to definitely need pictures with this "relaxed" and then "flexed/pronounced" in order to figure out what you are talking about.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    No, she's talking about the Supraclavicular Fossa...the area in between your clavicle, Sternocliedomastoid, and the top of the Trapezius. I know (ok, I don't know...but I'm guessing), because I have puffy ones too...


    Sorry, hon, they are padded with extra fat. They'll go away as you lose weight.

    edited to add cool Gray's Anatomy pic....
  • xfilme
    xfilme Posts: 21
    Spinderella, yes, this is exactly where Im talking about. This triangular indents between your collar bone and trapezius.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    levator claviculae?