
hello my name is Delores i became heavy at around age 32 ..and that is when i found out i had under active thyroid it has been a huge struggle for me since .. i am on meds for this but weight loss is so slow .. i have been doing the biggest loser game here where i live with daughter most percentage of weight loss in 10 weeks wins the opt of money . well i won second place on the biggest loser 4 one ..new one starts sept 22nd and am excited to do again .. in total i lost 33.5 lbs in 12 weeks on last one was very proud of myself .. hoping to do the same on the next on maybe win first lol who knows .. i'm just thrilled when i even lose 1 lb its not the money that we win but its the support and fun we have and i sure want to be healthy .. i have had both knees replaced in 2004 hip replaced in 2005 and shoulder replaced last august .. my bones are detriating so it hard for me to do much so i bought a wii fit n i love it try to use daily due to severe back probs is hard somedays but i push forward n never look behind ... i never eat past 7pm .. drink water like mad lol eat tons salads but get rest of food in as i can suppose to eat 1600 but i am full at 200 or sometimes 1100 but gotta force to eat a tad more .. im feeling better moving a bit better . just went on my first trip ever to new orleans n was able to walk all over for a while not a lot but more than usual .. im very proud of what i accomplish daily .. i was over 350 lbs years ago n now 252 .. so have done well just has taken forever .. my goal is to lose at the most 1 to 3 lbs week anything makes me pleased ... so in the next ten weeks with this game im in my goal will be 20 more lbs to go .. and i will do it haha ... my daughter is in this with me so we have each other for support .... along with this counting calories n all the support here i hope n pray to loose my last 88 lbs ... i am 56 years old and 5 foot 2 so it definately has to come off .. lot of hard work and disipline makes it all worth while ... i wish you all the best in your weight loss goals .. keep up the great work ... delores
