What is wrong with me....



  • jenner1981
    I still do that at times. I don't however have any bad foods in my house. So if I do binge it wont be as bad as far as calories go. It is easy for me to eat and not even realize how much I ate so I do find not having those things in my house helps.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Down the back of your neck? How do you do that? Seriously I want to know.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Oh, the habit of it all!

    Habits are difficult to break and almost impossible to break if you don't replace the old habit with a new habit (lots of good advice posted previously about doing other things instead of eating). Post notes to yourself if that's what it takes to stay out of the candy (or get rid of the candy altogether), and post a note on the fridge. You need a plan (preparation), you need to be mindful of this plan, and you need a replacement activity to fill the void. Sometimes, it's not easy, but it's possible.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Log it and move on.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It is a process, getting used to a new lifestyle. One thing to remember is to log everything honestly. Face the truth of how much you are consuming. If you are embarrassed, make you diary private. This will make you more mindful of what you eat and help you start making better choices.

    Pre-plan your day. The night before, decide what you are going to eat, prep as much of it as you can, and try to stick with it. I oftentimes just want convenience, so having food prepped helps me to just grab and go.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Honestly, it takes hard work and real determination, but once you can stop the cravings for at least 4 days. Don't eat or drink anything that's "bad" for you for 4 days. Once you can get it out of your cycle and eat healthier, your body will adapt much better and you will crave these foods less often. It seriously only takes a couple of days for the cravings to go away and you will feel so good about it too. I did this and just started to say "I don't eat that" and put it back in the fridge and I have never been happier with my diet and myself in general.

    I still eat what I want but now I can limit myself to the suggested serving size lol, and sometimes less, which is a feat in itself.
  • Margiewar
    Margiewar Posts: 15 Member
    If I see it, I will eat it! I took all the chips and cookies that my daughter and husband have and put them out of sight. :love:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    If I see it, I will eat it! I took all the chips and cookies that my daughter and husband have and put them out of sight. :love:

    That is fine to start, but eventually you have to confront and overcome the negative relationship with food.
  • luv4hiztorah
    luv4hiztorah Posts: 2 Member
    I don't think any thing is WRONG with you!! We slip and fall...do we just lie on the floor? Nope we get up and keep on moving!!

    You might want to make some lifestyle changes (I am learning that). Not having food like that in your house might be more temptation that you can handle (I know I couldn't do it).

    I need to make healthier food choices...the FOOD section here is quite eye opening!!

    Good luck...you are not alone.

  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Good ideas here. I find I must control my environment (not buy items that are trigger foods for me). Once your system rids itself of these type of foods, you will, in all likelihood, feel much more in control. At this stage of your journey, you may want to cut back on sugar so as to get your system in gear. Once that happens, you probably won't have the cravings. But if you do, have a piece of fruit.
  • marysidneyherbert
    I ate a couple of extra (big) snickerdoodle cookies yesterday and then decided to go ahead and do an extra workout video so I could keep my calories right for the day. I did a relatively easy one (Leslie Sansone walking), but I nevertheless got the calories back in the black, and I felt a lot better physically and emotionally. Once I know what it takes to make up for it in workout calories, I figure, maybe next time I will think twice.
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    nothing's wrong. you're human. and as multi-taskers we follow the systems we set up so we can do other things also. i.e. autopilot

    1. don't buy anymore junk food
    2. make a rule not to eat/and.

    meaning if you're eating, you're only eating. so you're eating "mindfully" you aren't distracted and can stop when you feel satisfied rather than inhale everything because you're watching something else.

    this is huge btw. will change your life. good luck.
  • Mctraill
    Mctraill Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for your replies I am back on track lots of advice here all of which I haven taken on board...thanks again...
  • SierraZulu
    I find knowing I have to log it, makes me think twice about what I eat and makes me more aware of what I'm doing. So, that mindless snacking I used to do doesn't happen anymore. When you write it down, it becomes real!
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I don't buy the stuff that makes me scarf down the whole bag, keep a few treats for hubby, but try to pick things that he likes and i wouldn't be inclined to binge on.
    Also, have your goals front and center, in your mind and if possible VISUALLY. I have a photo of my skinnier self in the kitchen, as soon as I walk in I see it. And I put all of my skinny clothes at the front of the closet, so that I see them every day and see what I'm missing out on.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I still do it. been on here for almost a year, on and off admittedly, but the other day, I made a nice salad, some chicken, veggies, a nice healthy meal, while eating a big Hershey bar and thinking about the chocolate milk that I bought for my daughter.
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I have done that. I could be in the process logging in my food and then I realize that I am eating more then what I want to put in. I often try to distant myself from them by doing other things that will keep me busy so I want be "Mindless Eating"
  • starusue
    I used to that too. What i would do is try keeping myself busy by cleaning my room and all over the house including my car. If you want something unhealthy. Do not eat it. Get a fruit instead. Or a veggie.
    Try avoiding fake foods. Its best to make your own.
    If you want fruit juice, try making your own, if you want to add sugar to a pitcher of fruit juice you can make a simple syrup with 1/4 cup of sugar abd 1/4 of water and boil it in a sause pan until it disovles and pour it into the pitcher.
    If you want to store buy it. I recommend the brand naked, since it doesnt have high fructose sugar soy or any of that stuff that keep the fat on or V8. Those are the ones i know of so far.
    If you want chips and want salty, supoosibly satly things help. But dont eat to much cause it has sodium, and sodium makes you bloat and keep the water instead of letting the water cleanse your body.
    You should make one day in the month only one day like if you choose the 24 of every month its going to be like that forever. so make one day a day where you dont have to worry about what you eat. but that doesnt mean your going to eat the whole bag of chips or w.e it is, just means you eat until you are full. not over that or it will make you sick to your stomach.
    try balancing your meals.
    what i also do to keep me from eating junk food is walk for 60 mins 3 times a day, wear your sun screen. walk to your destination. more often instead of using your car.
    you can get this app called charity walk, if you have a smart phone, so every time you walk 1 mile the app donates 25 cents to the place you want to donate. maybe that can motivate you. or tell your self if i loes 5 pounds before my piggy day then i can have a piggy day, if i dont then i cant have one until next month.
    I hope this helps.
    we can keep in touch. :)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I ate mainly because I'm bored.

    I always wanted to be a stay at home Mum - now I am, I don't know what to do with myself. I'm hoping when my littlies get a bit bigger it won't be so hard.
  • matthewsism
    i'd say take it easy on yourself for a start. that's hard enough but i think it's necessary. forgive yourself for slipping. it's already been said but i will in my way, when i binge my way through a box of some delectable treat that i bought with all good intentions i just don't buy it again. but i stare longingly at the package and i may joke about it to reiterate to myself that i am powerless over scrummy, nutty, chocolatey whatsits so i mustn't buy them. and if i just have to, i look for something small and alone instead of crowded in a box. but i'll probably have to nip that in the bud too. in my own time.
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