I need help with numbers! Diet + exercise, net

I need help with numbers! Diet + exercise, net


My goal is to be very aggressive :)
I want to lose 2.5 pounds/week
My exercise for the week will add up to 7000 calories.
I'm going to exercise 500 calories twice a day.
Weight train x3/ week 1 hour each
I'm not sure how much gross calories i should be consuming...
So far i've set up my diet for 2070, my BMR is 2570...
I don't want to exceed 235 carbs, 180 protein, 50 fat...
My macros are: carb/pro/fat 45/35/20
I have a meal plan set up for myself already, it'll be 3 meals + 2 snacks starting around 7 am, ending 6-7pm
My main issue is that: am i eating enough? I don't want to eat so much that it'll mean i lose less
I used a calc to sum up how many calories of fat i can burn a day: my BF=27%, BW=220: .27*220*31.4= 1800, max calories of fat burned/ day (exercise + diet deficit)


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    IMO, trying to lose 2.5 lbs a week is unrealistic, not to mention unhealthy and not safe. Also, exercising with a 500 calorie burn twice a day? That's a bit much, not to mention hard. Are you trying to kill yourself?

    I'm sorry if that sounded harsh.

    Perhaps you should try using http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ to calculate how many calories you should be eating with the work you're planning on doing.

    But really, I would ease up a bit. That's ALOT of work you're planning on putting on your body. It's not a race. Slow and steady will mean healthy and sustainable.

    Good luck.
  • Raheem444
    Raheem444 Posts: 16 Member
    :S maybe it is a bit too much, thanks for your advice... How about 3500/week?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    3500 weekly calorie deficit or 3500 weekly exercise burn?

    3500 calorie deficit could be done. But a 3500 exercise burn would still be difficult.

    I workout 7 days a week for about and hour. This past week I burned 3183 calories. And that was me busting my butt, starting c2 5k and hiking today for almost 2 hours. It's HARD.

    Try to be realistic with your goals. You want to be able to sustain your lifestyle change, not burn out.
  • Raheem444
    Raheem444 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you :D so I'm sticking with the same 2070 gross calories per day (500 deficit) and 500 burn per day, if I did everything right that should be 2 pounds per week!
  • Jhodges3793
    People make losing weight way harder than it has to be. In reality it is very easy to lose weight as long as you are willing to cut some things out of your diet and do a little exercise. If you're serious about losing weight, gaining muscle or even gaining a little bit of weight, check out this FaceBook fanpage to a product called Smack Fat. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me on there. Good luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle :)https://www.facebook.com/pages/Smack-Fat/632563173443693 P.S I have a discount link to the product on the same Facebook. If you still can't find it then just send me a message and I'll be willing to give it to you there. Again, good luck!