Exercise Tip of the Day

Exercise Tip of the Day: They always tell you to drink lots of water, but do you know why? Water helps flush toxins and cellular wastes from the body, hydrates cells, aids in digestion, and maintains the health of skin, hair, and nails. And as an extra bonus, water can help alleviate hunger by making you feel full!


  • K_Delavar
    According to my research, decaf tea and coffee also counts as water intake. Hint for those who hate the "taste" of water. Also, a wedge of lemon in your water increases digestion.
  • snowbunnyak
    I drink a lot of green tea and always count it towards my water intake, since it has "caffine" am I not supposed to count it? Coffee has caffine..
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    According to my research, decaf tea and coffee also counts as water intake. Hint for those who hate the "taste" of water. Also, a wedge of lemon in your water increases digestion.

    Unfortunately, tea, coffee and alcohol are duiretics, meaning they remove water from the body and can be dehydrating.

    So although tea and coffee contain water, it is cancelled out by the duiretic effect and is being urinated out.