2400 calorie binges

I have been binge eating the last week and everyday I go almost to 2400 calories my worst binge was almost 3000 calories. I lost weight and was at my goal weight and recently gained ten pounds by binge eating. I am so mad at myself eveytime I do this I go home and tell myself I wont binge I wont binge and then I end up binging I know I should stop focusing on the problem because I cannot keep eating this many calories or I will gain all my weight back I just need to vent and for someone to tell me I am beautiful and worth happiness because I seriously ffeel like my binge eating has taken over my life. I feel like I just want to drop out of school or go back to drugs everytime I do this and its always when im in the house by melself or at night . I try to buy healthy food but then I live with my dad and if theres noo binge food that I bought I will go in the middle of the night and eat all his food. and its always crappy junk food I binge on but then I will binge on vegetables too. I just need to stick to 1500 calories I don't want to gain all my weight back but I will if I keep binge eatingthis many calories,... whenever I think about it its just like I want to jump out of my skin or sleep forever I don't know what to do anymore.


  • mouna89
    mouna89 Posts: 2
    Hey dredaye9,
    I know how you feel, it sucks when you are stuck in that vicious cycle because you overeat and feel ****ty then you eat to feel better but end up just feeling worse and feel like if i've already done this might as well keep going and so on and so on forth! I obv dont know what your life style is like but I would suggest getting outside, try to move as much as you can during the day, if you don't already workout then start doing that it doesnt have to be anything intense, maybe just some light yoga or a nice brisk walk, this will put you in the mindset of not wanting to binge eat since exercise raises endorphins which will make you feel good about yourself and not want to "harm" your body by binge eating. Spending time in nature also helps morale and self esteem. And as i said earlier spend time outside go see family/friends or just ride a bike, walk around anything that gets you moving and out of the house, this will not only make you feel better but by the time night time comes around you'll be so tired getting out of bed will seem like a mission let alone going over to eat your dad's food. I know exactly how you feel because I have been there and thanks to exercise and keeping busy during the day by the time night comes instead of foraging the fridge and pantry and eating everything in sight i am wiped out! Also drugs are not going to help you think of the reason why you stopped in the first place, they're fun at first but as time goes on its like that twisted relationship you have with food where they are the source of the pain and the comfort from it while plunging you deeper and deeper into self hate! I hope I have helped and of course you are beautiful and worth it regardless of your size but if you want to be healthy and feel good about yourself then you alone can tell yourself your worth it and fight for your own happiness no one is gonna stop you from eating but you! If it is any help try brewing a pot of tea at night, go out and buy nice flavors, like peach, jasmine, or whatever you like and have that before you go to bed, not only will it relax you but it will also fill you up so you wont feel the need to eat.
    Again hope this helped :) and if you need emotional support i can help you out!
  • Mouna is right - little decisions to move around more start piling up pretty quick - and that can help with the calories more than you would think. Do stairs instead of elevators. Park further away from the front door of the grocery store so you get more of a walk. Use a push lawn mower instead of a riding one. Things like that. All of a sudden you will notice chunks of calories getting blown out of your 'binged' total calorie count - and you may even get close to your target goal.

    The real thing to keep in mind here is to come up with a plan that works for YOU. We are all different and some people are fine living off of steamed broccoli and oxygen in tablespoon amounts per day and some of us just arent going to live like that (gross exaggeration I know - but you get my point :P). If you find a way to work down your calories through movement then you won't be as stressed about hitting your calorie goals through just eating habits alone.

    Speaking of stress - that's going to make everything harder. Psychologically and physically. One of the best things towards being successful in weight loss, body building, etc is to find a 'zen' that works for whatever goal you need and ALSO makes you happy - both with the progress but also with the process.
  • Erithil
    Erithil Posts: 52
    You aren't alone, I do the same thing. For a long time (a year, or even two) I'd eat up to 2,500 every day (I'm only 5'4"), but I'm fairly energetic in my lifestyle and it was mostly healthy food so I guess that's why I didn't gain as much as I would have expected (I'm 140, still in the healthy BMI range, although near the edge). But I understand that struggle...I want to be perfect so bad, but then I don't follow through on that desire. :P But encouragement helps (thank you Mouna89, I needed that too! :smile: ) Especially just stay active (bounce and fidget whatever you are doing - I've started doing that and it's kind of fun!), try to get out of the habit of eating at night after dinner, and don't beat yourself up so much - tomorrow is another day. Some days will be good and some will be bad, just like the rest of life.
    Oh, and about being active, maybe join some sort of team or group of people who do soccer or bicycling or volleyball or hiking or some other fun activity regularly. I know that for myself, being in organized sports has played a big part in my energy and fitness levels :D
    God bless
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    u can get a bodymediafit to tell u how many calories youre burning it may be more than u think
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Why do you "need to stick to 1500"? Perhaps you have set your calorie goal too low which is leading to the binges. Calorie requirements vary from person to person depending of height, weight and activity level.

    2400 is not a binge for me, that's a normal day when I am eating in a deficit.

    Calculate your TDEE and take a max cut of 20%. You may find it is well over 1500 cals.
  • jam808
    jam808 Posts: 21
    I know exactly how you feel. The urge to binge is so horribly strong. I've struggled with binge eating for most of my life. I read a book a few months ago called Brain Over Binge by Kathleen Hansen. It has really helped me to control my urge to binge. The author has a blog with most of the main points of the book, Google it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    2400 cals or 2400 over maintenance?

    As 2400 is probably very little over your maintenance cals if at all, so it's not really a big deal. I eat that much food most days!