Looking for running buddies



  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Evening, half marathon in September (my 3rd this year, started running Dec 2012) but training for my first marathon in October. Any requests from fellow runners welcomed
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I just started running a month ago, so I'm no where near a half marathon (maybe someday) but feel free to add me
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I am also training for my first half marathon that is in 21 days!! Feel free to add me!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, you all look so young and fit!!! I am almost 72, and if someone had told me I would be doing any sort of running way back when I was at school, I would have laughed!! I have never done any active sport, apart from hill-walking, and that was over 40 years ago!!

    But I need to give myself a goal to shift the last 30 lbs, having lost over 50. So back in February I did a 15 mile cross country walk, then in June I did the 5k Race for Life. And at the end of October, I am entered in the 10 mile Great South Run.

    Run is a misnomer... I can just about walk/run a 5k in about 45 mins at the moment. Am trying to add one k a week to that. Knowing I have got to do it (have told lots of family and friends) is the only thing keeping me getting out of the chair to do some exercise!

    So anything you really experienced guys and gals can do to get me through to the finishing line without collapsing would be welcome!!
  • Carebear530
    Carebear530 Posts: 49 Member
    Any of you using a fitbit? I haven't been logging my runs here since I didn't want them to be counted twice. If you have a fitbit how do you log your runs?
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    looking for fellow runners too add me!!! I run for the fun and love of it. I run 5k or more daily!!! :)
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Hi, I am starting to run a bit, I have never in my life been able to run because I couldn't breathe, but now I can jog a bit and would like to get into it if I can and it is my dream to do a 5k run next year. I am no spring chicken but I will give it a go.
  • actlc
    actlc Posts: 84
    Hi, I started running early this year. Have been running pretty consistently since.
    Haven't done any race yet. But am considering my first 5K race in fall.
    Would love to have more running buddies.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hi, I am starting to run a bit, I have never in my life been able to run because I couldn't breathe, but now I can jog a bit and would like to get into it if I can and it is my dream to do a 5k run next year. I am no spring chicken but I will give it a go.

    You can do it!
  • andread7644
    andread7644 Posts: 9 Member
    New runner here as well :) About to finish up week 1 of c25k. I can't wait until I'm at the point of training for a half marathon!
    Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • I'm starting my 5th week of training for my first half marathon that runs on October 6th. Because of my weight and previous aversion to running I'm absolutely terrified, but i'm up to 6 miles in one run and down 17 pounds, so i might survive it after all. And if i don't, at least i've lived a good life. :tongue:

    By all means, feel free to add me.
  • lw2134
    lw2134 Posts: 4 Member
    wanted to share with you guys a new site, called PhantomRunner (https://www.phantomrunner.com/) that has free weekly virtual races (monthly paid races too). It links with RunKeeper, so you can participate with your smartphone. It's a fun way to stay motivated week in and week out, it's a good way to ease into running if you're just getting started, and it's all free.

    In full disclosure, I made the site, but I made it because I'm a runner and wanted to use something like this. I just released it a few days ago and will be making plenty of improvements and modifications in the near future. I hope some of you find it useful and fun!
  • kenna44cat
    kenna44cat Posts: 105 Member
    I'm almost 69 (October this year) and am learning to run. I'm going to be taking a running clinic at Running Room in October and then plan to enter a 5K on New Year's Day. We'll be in the deep freeze here in Edmonton, Canada. Anyone want to add me I need all the advice and motivation I can get! Right now am run/walking as often as I can just around the block and so on.
  • kenna44cat
    kenna44cat Posts: 105 Member
    I signed up for Phantom Runner. Will give it a try, good idea. I'm a very basic beginner. Incidentally, I'm going to learn to ride a bicycle, too.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I signed up for Phantom Runner. Will give it a try, good idea. I'm a very basic beginner. Incidentally, I'm going to learn to ride a bicycle, too.

    Good for you! And the best of luck! I hope you enjoy both riding and running.
  • kenna44cat
    kenna44cat Posts: 105 Member
    Hello, I tried to register for Phantom Runner but they only take US states, nothing from Canada. So I can't sign up. Sorry, it sounded like a good idea.
  • mouna89
    mouna89 Posts: 2
    Hello fellow runners,
    Any one live in Toronto, Canada preferably around the Danforth who is looking for a running buddy? Preferably girls, if you are interested would love to get together for a nice run :)
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Hi, I am starting to run a bit, I have never in my life been able to run because I couldn't breathe, but now I can jog a bit and would like to get into it if I can and it is my dream to do a 5k run next year. I am no spring chicken but I will give it a go.

    You can do it!

    Thank you joreannasaurou, I am 65 and very keen to give it a go, my hubby who is 71 runs twice a day, I really would like to join him.