fasting or weightloss friend needed!

Hey my name is Bri and i have ten months to lose 60 lbs which sounds easy but im the type to wait until right up to a event to lose weight. Im about to start a 7 day water fast and afterwards just healthy foods and working out. I need lots of encouragement to stayvon track. I want to be 140 by the time June comes and i go on another disney cruise with my fam i would love to be in a bikini this time lol( im 19 btw)


  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    I'll be your friend (: I'm also 19 and have pretty much the same goals as you do. Although, I"m not sure about the whole 7 day water fasting. I'd just start off eating healthy. No need to starve yourself.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Set a proper calorie budget and stay within it. Water fasting is not healthy and the weight won't stay off.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Set a proper calorie budget and stay within it. Water fasting is not healthy and the weight won't stay off.
  • kasimarie29
    kasimarie29 Posts: 128 Member
    I shall be you friend :) I'm 19 as well. I've got about the same amount of time to lose 100 lbs. that's about 10 lbs a month. It's possible but with my cheat days i like so much it'll be hard... Add me :) We can help eachother!
  • candifeola
    candifeola Posts: 305 Member
    fasting will get the weight off for sure but it'll come right need to eat healthy and work out it's the only way to get it off and keep it off.
  • Hi, You should check out smack fat its a amazing community that strives on helping & suggesting solutions to losing weight & your questions just follow this link for more details

    For videos & more info take a look at smack fat fan page on Facebook & Twitter
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hi, You should check out smack fat its a amazing community that strives on helping & suggesting solutions to losing weight & your questions just follow this link for more details

    For videos & more info take a look at smack fat fan page on Facebook & Twitter

    She has MFP though!
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    fasting isn't good for you... eating healthy with a moderate calorie intake and not overdoing the exercise will work get the wait off permanently... remember you want a lifestyle that is sustainable for your future....
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Fasting is unhealthy and unnecessary. Losing 60 lbs. in 10 months takes a reasonable and dedicated approach with a proper diet and plenty of exercise. Fasting and exercise together can easily leave a passed out and hospitalized Bri, It is definitely possible since with diet and walking for exercise alone, I lost 68 lbs. in 87 days. Walking is the only exercise I could do but for the past 5 weeks I have that has even been cut out. I have 37 lbs. to go and I am sticking to the diet and waiting to be able to restart walking.
  • I was just fasting for spiritual reasons lol i know on water fasts the weight can come back but i wasnt doing it tor weight loss
  • Thanks for the info tho
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