Looking for friends to share my journey with! <3

Hello, all! I am a 25 year old girl from VA. I lost 60 lbs about 3 years ago and recently gained all of it back. I am happily engaged and will be getting married to my soulmate next year. I would like friends who are helpful, inspirational, positive, and are in a similar situation. I like working out, and am going to join a gym in the next month. I'd love to share this journey with friends! So, if you're looking for more friends, add me! :]


  • Rosierow123
    Rosierow123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Renee Marie,
    I was just thinking today that it would be nice to have support with this journey, I have been here before many times, but hoping that I'll be successful and keep it off this time! How do you add friends on this tool? Are you on a special plan or just
    counting calories?
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Hey, I'm Pamela :)
    I'll add you and anyone else is free to add me! I go to the gym as much as possible and just strive to make healthy and wholesome choices with the help and support of my MFP friends!
  • klyn05
    klyn05 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone! I will add you and please feel free to add me as well! I have fluctuated with my weight for years now, and have been steadily working out and counting calories for about 2-3 months now and intend to be in this for the long haul, so I could really use and would like to give support as well! I plan on sticking to this by doing it "slowly but surely". I want to be able to stick to the changes in my lifestyle that will make me lose weight, so I'm trying to do this the right way this time!
  • KFraser84
    KFraser84 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, would love for you to add me to keep me motivated. I have lost 3.5kg in about 8 weeks of logging on mfp. Been trying to work out accurate portion sizes, exercising consistently and keeping alcohol for the weekends only! 2.5kg away from my initial goal, will see how I feel then and go from there :)