What to eat? Help so confused

atibrat Posts: 70 Member
I have been logging and losing slowly and with that said.

I am noticing days I eat a lot of sweets I feel like crap.

Many days I eat cereal like special K protien and milk and do not feel too bad
but I am so confused over this processed food, no sugar, no grain, no wheat,
no gluten, no dairy, no meat just plant based food. HELP

There is so much conflicting info out there right now how are we suppose to
know what to eat and what not to eat.

This is not for weight loss but TO FEEL GOOD. What should you eat?
I know processed sugar should go... easier said than done.

But dairy? whole wheat? all grains? I want to feel good again with
energy but the more research I do the more confused I get.


  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
    A mountain you climb gradually. Do not be too hard on yourself. Eat all you like, staying under your calorie needs.
    A picture may be worth a thousand words:

  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    Here is a great post on what a lot of the people here try to eat.


    I know how hard it is to avoid processed sugary foods - definitely a step in the right direction! :smile:
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Don't over-research.

    You have noticed yourself when you feel like crap so listen to your body first and foremost.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    Obviously, more fruits and vegetables. Instead of sweets, grab an apple. But, it's okay to have a treat once in a while, too. If you honestly feel "like crap" most days, then what I would do is trail and error. If you think it might be the dairy, then cut it out for a week and see if you feel better. If you want to test out the gluten theory, go gluten-free for a week, and see if that makes a difference. I wouldn't cut out all grains, but if you are gluten-intolerant, then wheat will bother your stomach. It's probably too many sweets, though.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    If you eat something and it makes you feel good (physically, not emotionally), then eat it. If you eat something and it makes you feel bad, don't eat it anymore. Listen to your body.
  • maryp1024
    maryp1024 Posts: 16 Member
    Love the pic! :smile: I have just gone vegetarian this week. I am never hungry. I think this just might be the trick.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I have been logging and losing slowly and with that said.

    I am noticing days I eat a lot of sweets I feel like crap.

    Many days I eat cereal like special K protien and milk and do not feel too bad
    but I am so confused over this processed food, no sugar, no grain, no wheat,
    no gluten, no dairy, no meat just plant based food. HELP

    There is so much conflicting info out there right now how are we suppose to
    know what to eat and what not to eat.

    This is not for weight loss but TO FEEL GOOD. What should you eat?
    I know processed sugar should go... easier said than done.

    But dairy? whole wheat? all grains? I want to feel good again with
    energy but the more research I do the more confused I get.

    Is there a reason you cant have some of those things? I know sweets make you feel bad but I cant imagine you have to get rid of wheat/gluten, dairy, meat, all sugar, fat and processed foods all at the same time. You need some of those things to function. Simply cut down on them and use alternatives. The best decision I have made is to cut way down on any boxed mixes. The only ones I buy are zantarians because its simply rice and spices and dry marinade rubs.

    Stop reading everyone's Bro science and figure out what foods you do well with. If milk bothers you, try almond milk, If wheat bothers you, try a week not eating it or use gluten free products, If sugar bothers you, eat fruit and see how that feels. Etc Etc. Its about baby steps and not an "All or nothing" point of view.

    I have recently had to stop eating most meat or gluten and trust me, there is a ton of info out there. I have a medically confirmed gluten sensitivity and gout which means I have too much uric acid in my blood and it forms crystals around my joints causing pain when I eat too much fat or meat. So I'm allowed less than 4 oz of chicken a day but it would be better if I only ate it a few times a week, no pork, no beef, absolutely no shellfish or fish... no bacon...cry. Its hard but it helps. I am also suppose to cut down fat but that's been hard as I love peaches and cream.

    My point...trial and error is the way to go. Listen to your body.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I agree with other posters - listen to how you feel. The great thing about MFP is you can log each day, and at the bottom make a note about how you felt after eating / before eating.

    For me one big thing was to eat protein at breakfast - I sometimes have cereal fruit & yogurt, but no more just bowls of cereal and milk for me. I usually eat two eggs, a handful of spinach, a big tomato, usually a potato - and it comes in around 300-odd calories. Sets me up. If I eat rolled oats or cereal I usually feel hungry not long after.

    Try snacks of almonds; a couple of pieces of fruit a day; drink fluids, preferably water not cola etc; try and include fresh vegies throughout your day, and some good quality protein. Watch sodium intake if that is an issue for you (it is for me). Reduce reliance on packaged and fast foods.

    Maybe go look in the success stories and look at people's diaries to get ideas on what others eat.

    But really this is for life so you don't want to change your basic foods - just portion size, the way you cook it, etc - this is a lifelong ride now!

    Good luck, stick with this and you will be amazed and amazing :flowerforyou:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Obviously, more fruits and vegetables. Instead of sweets, grab an apple. But, it's okay to have a treat once in a while, too. If you honestly feel "like crap" most days, then what I would do is trail and error. If you think it might be the dairy, then cut it out for a week and see if you feel better. If you want to test out the gluten theory, go gluten-free for a week, and see if that makes a difference. I wouldn't cut out all grains, but if you are gluten-intolerant, then wheat will bother your stomach. It's probably too many sweets, though.

    OK got it ..candy sugar bad, fruit sugar good....LOL
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP I still eat carbs, dairy etc and have been on a cut the last 8 weeks and have dropped seven pounds...

    now unless you have some kind of gluten sensitivity issue or something like that, then cutting out wheat products may help ..

    Eat in a deficit and move more and you will be OK ...if you feel like crap when you eat certain foods then don't eat them..

    chicken, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs, steak, pork, vegetables, fruits, etc are your friends...eat a crap ton of them...and if you want, have the ocassional serving of ice cream..
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member

    I am noticing days I eat a lot of sweets I feel like crap.


    But dairy? whole wheat? all grains? I want to feel good again with
    energy but the more research I do the more confused I get.
    stop doing so much research. there isn't *one* answer out there - there are a lot of answers that work for a lot of peopel differently.

    if your body is telling you it needs more energy and doesn't like the sugar and crap - then listen to your body . it's smart.

    I don't know why you are choosing to eat only plant based foods and no wheat/dairy/grains. I think you need to go slowly - start with one or two habits and then move on to the next.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I eat what im comfortable eating. I satisfy my cravings when they come along, and I do what I need to when I portion control.

    Don't try and eat things that you're not used to. And the stuff you are used to and know is bad for you, limit and consume in moderation, and eventually the better stuff will start to be the craving.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I agree with what has been said. You can't cut everything from your diet. Experiment with cutting out the things you suspect causing you problems. There is too much hype out there right now around very specific diets that may not be for everyone. You need to find out what works for YOU.

    Also, do you exercise? Regular exercise can go a long way in increasing your energy and making you feel better in general.