How many calories do I eat...

I have my MFP set up for 4 workout days at 30 minutes per day and it tells me to eat 1500 calories. Do I eat that many on the days I DON'T workout? How does this work?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes eat that on the days you don't work out.

    MFP is setup to calculate your calories based on lifestyle and how much weight you want to loose.

    For example I am set to eat 1360 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle to loose 1lb a week. Why because I burn 1890 with my lifestyle (desk job) which leaves me at 500 calorie deficet a day which translates to 3500 calorie deficet a week=1lb lost. Keep in mind any exercise calories you burn you eat back....hard wrap your head around I know but your goal is the 1500 calories.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You need to NET that as your daily goal. Even though you put into your settings that you are planning on working our 4 days a week those calories are not added until you put the exercise into the exercise diary when you have complete it.

    One days you workout eat 1500 PLUS your workout calories. On days you don't workout, eat the 1500 calories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    MFP does not factor in the calories you "plan" to burn, they only add in the extra calories once you log the exercise. Your daily calorie goal is only based on your personal stats (gender, age, weight, height), how many pounds per week you said you'd like to lose, and whatever activity level you selected (sedentary, lightly active etc).

    Therefore, on days you don't workout, you eat at goal. On days you do workout, you eat at goal plus at least half of the earned calories.
  • chunkymonkey0223
    So, 1500 calories PLUS the workout calories? I already have trouble eating the 1500!! Geez, this losing weight stuff is tough. Thanks! :)